SouvenaidSouvenaid is an innovative nutritional supplement for the dietary management of early Alzheimer's disease, containing a unique combination of nutrients at levels difficult to achieve from diet alone.Souvenaid can be taken alone or in combination with standard drug therapy for Alzheimer's disease; no drug interactions were seen in clinical trials.Souvenaid is lactose and gluten free, however, do not take if you are allergic to fish, soy or milk. It is not suitable for patients with galactosaemia.Souvenaid is available in strawberry and vanilla flavours - simply choose from the drop down above.How does Souvenaid work?People living with early Alzheimer's disease have been shown to have relatively low levels of a range of nutrients in their bodies despite eating a normal diet.These nutrients are required in the process of making new connections in the brain called synapses.Omega 3 fatty acids, uridine monophosphate and choline, together with several key vitamins, all work together to help this process.The loss of synapses is one of the key features of early Alzheimer's disease.DirectionsSouvenaid is ready to drink - simply drink one bottle per day. It is best served chilled but does can be stored at room temperature.Souvenaid is specially formulated to be a low volume drink as it recommended that the entire bottle is consumed at once to ensure that the correct amount is taken each day. However, if the bottle is not finished, you can close the lid and keep in the fridge for up to 24 hours from opening.It may help to take Souvenaid at the same time each day, as this should make it easier to remember to take it every day as it will become a habit. If the person taking Souvenaid does forget to take it at the usual time, they should just drink it when they remember or are reminded.Souvenaid is a food for special medical purposes for the dietary management of early Alzheimer's disease. Souvenaid must be used under medical supervision. You must seek advice from your doctor, specialist nurse or pharmacist if you are unsure of your condition or diagnosis or if you would like to use Souvenaid.
Der Waist Trainer beschert Ihnen eine definierte Taille und reduziert den Bauchumfang effektiv. Der Waist Trainer hat bereits vielen Frauen geholfen.
Mevalia Low Protein DitaliMevalia Low Protein Ditali is perfect for a range of different sauces, stews and pasta bakes. It is gluten free as well as being low in protein.
An alternative source of energy for the body provides an intake of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) ; great for supporting weight loss diets; can help improve sports performance; may have neuroprotective effects.
Quantity:1; Material:Other; Function:Anti-wrinkle; Compatibility:Nursing; Makeup Category:Concealer Base; Form:Others; Makeup Style:Daily Makeup; Features:Alcohol Free,Smooth Sticker; Listing Date:05/16/2019; Production mode:External produce
Chlorella Bio 60 comprimes Fleurance Nature Chlorella Bio 60 comprimes est une boite de complements alimentaires detox proposee par la marque Fleurance Nature. La chlorella est une algue microscopique verte aux vertus detoxifiantes, qui absorbe les toxines de l organisme pour aider a le purifier. La chlorella presente dans ces complements alimentaire(s) est issue de l agriculture biologique, garantie sans traces de metaux lourds ou de pesticides. Surnommee le "Joyau vert", elle contient naturellement une importante quantite de proteines vegetales, de vitamines et de mineraux, essentiels au bon fonctionnement de l organisme. Grace a un procede d extraction brevete par la marque, les algues presentes dans les comprimes gardent l integralite de leurs nutriments naturellement presents. Il est conseille, pour une personne adulte, de prendre 4 a 6 comprimes par jour tout en conservant une alimentation saine et equilibree.