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Come see the Best Male Revue in Las Vegas at the Rio when you see the world famous Chippendales perform for a perfect lady's night out.
Barcelona Night Card es la mejor manera de conocer y disfrutar de la vida nocturna en Barcelona, porque te facilitará la entrada gratuita y sin colas a los mejores clubs de la ciudad durante dos o siete noches consecutivas. La mejor forma de conocer la noche de Barcelona. Con una sola tarjeta podrás acceder a los locales de moda de la noche barcelonesa: Aire Arena Sala Classic Arena Sala Dandy/Sala VIP Arena Sala Madre Atlàntic Barcelona Be Cool Bikini Barcelona Boulevard Culture Club City Hall Dance Club Concept Danza Barcelona Club Costa Breve Les Enfants Macarena Music Club Moog Oak Opium Otto Zutz Club Pacha Room Barcelona La Terrazza Soho the Club Sutton Club Shôko Restaurant Lounge Club Barcelona Night Card es una tarjeta de diseño exclusivo, con toda la información práctica y un mapa por zonas de la ciudad, para que puedas localizar los diferentes locales. También encontrarás indicaciones para llegar en transporte público y un mapa de la red del metro de Barcelona. Para disfrutar de las ventajas de esta tarjeta sólo debes llegar antes de las 2 am. Podrás entrar a todos los locales incluidos, ¡pero las consumiciones van por tu cuenta! Con la Barcelona Night Card serás el dueño de la noche.
The historic centre was, in 1984, as a whole, declared a world heritage site by UNESCO. The Roman Bridge, the Torre de la Calahorra, the streets of the Jewish Quarter, the Synagogue, the Sotos of Albolaifa and the royal stable are just some of the few attractions we will see during the tour. We will also visit the Mosque which today remains an important gem of Islamic art. Inside the mosque (entrance is included) visitors have a complete audio guide in whatever language they require so that they can get a real sense of their surroundings. The Mezquita (Mosque) dates back to the 10th century when Córdoba reached its zenith under a new emir, Abd ar-Rahman 111 who was one of the great rulers of Islamic history. At this time Córdoba was the largest, most prosperous cities of Europe, outshining Byzantiumand Baghdad in science, culture and the arts. The development of the Great Mosque paralleled these new heights of splendour. After the walking tour you will have some free time to have lunch, go shopping and enjoy the endless beauty of the city of Cordoba. Includes: Transportation, guide, and entrance of the mosque. Tour subject to availability.
Inclusions: A 2.5-hour tour starting at 17:00, Get to know Vegas’ revitalized downtown bustling with spirit and spunk. This lively, informative outing starting at 17:00. is 2 ½ hours of eating and exploring in newly revitalized downtown with visits to the most magnetic, chef-driven restaurants that are all about farm-to-table, seasonally-focused, artisan-crafted fare. Designed for those who want to experience a Vegas dining scene that has reinvented itself with an electrifying, modern flourish. Optional Beverage Package Ticket: Add-on per person receives a pre-selected signature drink at various stops.
You've seen it on TV now experience for yourself the thrilling and frightening role of the ghost hunter in the Goodsprings Ghost Hunt Tour with discount tickets from