Ein anregend, frischer und fruchtiger Sommerwein. Passt zu: Pasta, Fisch, Salaten und Vorspeisen.
Der Wein zeigt eine sehr schöne Nase mit Aromen von Cassis, Kirschen, Brombeeren und Kaffee. Am Gaumen überzeugt er mit samtig, dichter und feinwürziger Frucht. Elegante Art mit langem Finish. Passt zu: Wildgerichten wie z.B. Rehkeule in Rotweinsauce und herzhaften Wildpasteten.
Ein Pinotage, der Maßstäbe setzt: Der Windmeul Reserve Pinotage bietet ein komplexes Bukett, in dem sich Noten von roten Beeren, Kirschen, Pflaumen, von Kräutern, Zimt und Vanille vereinen. Am Gaumen mit seidigen Tanninen und einer schönen Struktur....
This is a genuine Innokin leather carrying pouch with the words Innokin towards the bottom. Perfect fit for and a great way to carry your iTaste Mvp 2.0. This pouch comes with drawstrings to tighten your pouch and hang from your neck or arm.
These Kanthal A1 + SS316L coils are perfect for advanced vapers who may not have the time to build, or any vapers looking to experience the quality vaping experience that comes from the more advanced coils. Name: Pre-made Coil Wire Model Clapception Size 1.5 x 7.5mm; Inner: 3mm Resistance 0.35ohm Quantity 10
The Cultura by Vzone is compatible with 20700/18650 battery and features long standby time. It utilizes the most advanced chip set HW Board 1.0 with a range 7 to 100W, multiple output modes. The ergonomic and compact design integrates fine finishing bracket in 2 tone colors for better grip and the buttons on the side. It features the In-Mould Labeling (IML) case for colorful, greater wear resistance, graphic quality and fine texture. Aluminum alloy construction Houses 1 x 18650/20700 (sold separately) Temp Range at 200?-600? / 100?-315? 510 threading connection Micro-USB port Wattage Range 7-100W Max Output Voltage 8.5V Max Output Current 32A Taste Mode Norm/Soft/Hard/User Memeory Mode M1/M2/M3 Resistance Range 0.1-3.0Ohm KA Mode, 0.05-1.0Ohm for Ti/Ni200/SS316 Mod Resistance 0.1-3ohm Output Mode KA/TC-SS316/TC-Ni200/TC-Ti/TCR Mod Size 89 x 38 x 30mm