Catégorie:Lumières de voiture LED; Finition:Plaqué; Materiaux:Aluminium; Couleur LED:Blanc; Alimentation:20W; Tension:12-24V; Dimension du produit (cm):5.6cm x3.4cm x 2.8cm(; Poids net (kg):0.015
Ideal zum Verladen &ndash auch als Montagerampe nutzbarZusammenklappbar &ndash ideal für Lagerung und TransportStabil und rutschfest durch gelochte Oberfläche und ausgeprägte QuerrillenHohe Stabilität bei niedrigem Gewicht Technische Daten: gesetzliche GewährleistungTraglast als Auffahrrampe: max. 1000 kgTraglast als Verladerampe: max. 250 kgAuffahrbreite: 225 mmLänge: ca. 2 mBreite: 25 cmMaterial: AluminiumFarbe: silber
Aerosus air springs replace the original air springs of your vehicle and offer you maximum ride comfort with high durability. Security, accuracy and quality of the product match the original part. This brand new rear left air spring fits Lexus GX470 vehicles. Aerosus air springs are made of high-quality elastomer materials and covered by a 2-year limited warranty and a 30-day money-back guarantee. The rings on the air springs are crimped using a special technology for dependable operation and leak-free performance. They are known for their superior dynamic properties as well as their long life and reliable durability. Our suspension air bags keep your vehicle level, even when carrying an uneven load. That means more effective handling and braking even in tough road and heavily loaded conditions. Features OE-quality air spring Maximum ride comfort High-quality OE-specified raw materials Airline Fitting Security and durability Safe load carrying capacity and stability Easy installation Thousands of satisfied customers worldwide
Aerosus air springs replace the original air springs of your vehicle and offer you maximum ride comfort with high durability. Security, accuracy and quality of the product match the original part. This brand new rear air spring fits both left and right side of Range Rover Sport L320 vehicles. Aerosus air springs are made of high-quality elastomer materials and covered by a 2-year limited warranty and a 30-day money-back guarantee. The rings on the air springs are crimped using a special technology for dependable operation and leak-free performance. They are known for their superior dynamic properties as well as their long life and reliable durability. Our suspension air bags keep your vehicle level, even when carrying an uneven load. That means more effective handling and braking even in tough road and heavily loaded conditions. Features OE-quality air spring Maximum ride comfort High-quality OE-specified raw materials Security and durability Safe load carrying capacity and stability Easy installation Thousands of satisfied customers worldwide
vereint die positiven Eigenschaften mehrerer Rohstoffe zu potenzierter Leistungbis zu 25% gleitfähiger als einfache Öle und vielfach leistungsfähiger, insbesondere in Bereichen extremer Druckbelastungen und sehr hoher Temperaturen zwischen 250 und 1000°Chochwirksam und vielseitig einsetzbarmacht Gelenke, Schlösser, Federn u.v.m. leichtgängigunterwandert und löst Rosthinterlässt einen dauerhaften Schutzfilm gegen Korrosionverdrängt Feuchtigkeit aus elektrischen VerbindungenInhalt: 100 ml Technische Daten: Anwendungsoberfläche: Aluminium Stahl Chrom Kupfer MessingLagerungsempfehlung: vor Frost schützen
Aerosus air suspension struts replace the original air strut of your vehicle and offer you maximum ride comfort with high durability. Security, accuracy of fit and quality of the product match the original part. This brand new rear air suspension strut fits left side of Audi A8 (D3 chassis) vehicles with both normal (non-sport) and sport suspension. Aerosus air struts are made of high-quality materials and are covered by a 2-year limited warranty and a 30-day money-back guarantee. All our strut modules are new, high-performance parts. Each air suspension strut comes complete with air spring, shock absorber and electromagnetic control valve. Our air suspension struts are designed for superior ride quality by adjusting quickly to different road and vehicle conditions, while offering ultimate safety and functionality. All Aerosus products provide you with an ultimate driving experience. Features High-quality air suspension strut Security and durability Maximum ride comfort Adjustable to different road and vehicle conditions Safe load carrying capacity and stability Ready to install Thousands of satisfied customers worldwide