Base de afeitar de afeitar del hombre Base de mango largo Razor Holder de soporte Aleación de aluminio afeitado afeitar Accesorio
Ensures a smooth & soft skin feel The natural hair removal paste by BEN & ANNA removes body hair and dead skin cell in one go. Thus, it ensures a smooth and soft skin feel. Sugar Gold is suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive skin, thanks to its mild composition of sugar, water and lime juice. With regular use, hair regrowth is slower and finer. dermatologically tested easy to remove Preparation: Cleanse the skin to be treated using an alcohol solution. Heat the paste in warm water until it melts. Do not remove the plastic packaging while doing so. Remove the plastic packaging once the paste has melted. Stretch and fold the paste until the colour changes from yellow to white. Application: Apply the paste to the area to be treated and stretch the paste by pulling it against the direction that the hair grows. Hold the skin firm with one and use the other hand to quickly rip away the paste in the direction that the hair grows. Rinse the skin with water and apply a soothing body lotion. Can be used on sensitive areas such as the face, underarms or bikini area. Note: Do not use on warts, injured skin, irritated skin or sunburnt skin.
UNOLD Trim Luxury 87850 - Trimmer - schnurlos (87850)
Antiguos corte recto de acero inoxidable plegable navaja barbero Retro barba garganta afeitado Peral mango hombre hombres
Baume a barbe Tentation 75ml Kanite Soin anti-chute, doux et leger, specialement concu pour les barbes reches, seches et rebelles, le baume a barbe Tentation 75ml Kanite est un produit compose dingredients bio a 100 %. Lhuile de baobab, extraite a froid quil renferme apporte a votre barbe douceur et souplesse en lui rendant sa vitalite et sa brillance. Par ailleurs, le beurre de karite, non raffine et purifie, a des proprietes hydratantes et nourrissantes. Pour lutter contre les demangeaisons, les irritations et les rougeurs auxquelles peuvent etre confrontes les barbus, lhuile de nigelle a des vertus apaisantes et assainissantes. Elle favorise aussi la pousse des poils. Enfin, la cire dabeille que contient le baume a barbe Tentation 75ml a le pouvoir de structurer et de fixer les poils rebelles, disciplinant ainsi la barbe. Le baume a barbe Tentation offre un parfum intense et envoutant. Kanite propose des cosmetiques contenant des ingredients issus de lagriculture biologique.