Ein Weissburgunder mit Aromen von reifen Stachelbeeren. Ein cremig, weicher, harmonischer Wein mit einer feinen Säure. Passt zu: Spargelgerichten, Gratins, überbackenen Käsegerichten.
Vandy Vape Kylin Mini RTA is the mini version of Vandy Vape Kylin RTA. Featuring the innovative building deck with the 180' Honeycomb-shaped air intake, it will bring the best flavor and chase cloud vapor. It is easy to build the single coil that will full contact the guided airflow and deliver the dense flavor. Glass tank Juice capacity 3ml / 5ml 180' honey comb airflow design Simple stress free wicking Condensed chamber section for immense flavor production and smooth airflow Gold-plated 510 pin 510 threading connection 24.4mm overall diameter Brand: Vandy Vape Tank Capacity 3ml / 5ml Diameter 24.4mm Size 35.2 x 24.4mm
In der Nase präsentiert er sich mit exotischer Fruchtfülle und angenehmen Hefenoten. Nuancen von Pfirsich und Aprikosen gesellen sich hinzu. Lang und vibrierend, rund und robust. Passt zu: Geflügel, hellem Fleisch, gedünstetem Fisch und Meeresfrüchten, Blattsalaten mit Vinaigrette.
A perfect gift Gingerbread is simply a must for winter! There are many ways to enjoy this spicy treat. This great set lets you experience gingerbread in a different way with a cheerful tea, jam and biscuit - all flavoured to match. The set contains: 1 x "Rooibos Gingerbread" flavoured rooibos tea, 100 g 1 x Vistula jam with gingerbread spices by Staud's, 130 g 1 x Gingerbread biscuit by Pirker, 65 g
Der Paul Roos Die Skoolhoof, ist ein Blend aus 80% Chenin Blanc und 20% Chardonnay. Die Trauben für diesen Wein stammen vom Weingut Rust en Vrede aus Stellenbosch. Für die Fermentation in 20% neuen französischen Eichenfässern wurde die natürliche Hefe...
Augvape VX200 Mod is a 1.3 Inch colorful screen mod, the bigger screen offers you more clearly detail. Made of high-quality ABS and PC plastic, the straight line produce an elegant appearance. Powered by dual 18650 batteries, the Augvape VX200 Mod can fire up to 200W max output with VW/TC mode. Equipped with the advanced chip, Augvape VX200 Mod can fire so quickly, and allows the device to operate is a plethora of modes that include power mode (normal, max, minimum taste setting options), power curve mode, temperature control with all standard heating elements (nickel, titanium, stainless steel), temperature control curve mode and TCR. 1.3inch color display 200W maximum output available Inspired by cell phone, comes with edge-to-edge panel, comfortable in hand Pocket size and compact design Temperature range at 100-315