Probiotic bacteria strain (Bacillus subtilis) Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects. May reduce growth of pathogenic bacteria. Probiotic forms with strong resistance to acidity.
La pommade Emuaid, ou Emuaid Bleue, est un baume revolutionnaire a base dhuile demeu et dargent colloidal pur sadressant a plus de 100 problemes cutanes, dont entre autres les irritations cutanees, leczema, les hemorroides, les brulures, les ampoules, la dermatite ou encore la cellulite.
To targets the look of unwanted veins, Skin Doctors Vein Away Plus aspires to firm, soothe, strengthen & protect. Vein Away Plus uses Arnica, Rosehip, & Cypress Seed, and is enriched with Vitamins A & E. It has an instantly hydrating, soothing sensation, and a delightfully light citrus fragrance.