Like the Stress Free, the Stress Free Elite is a hand-tufted mattress utilising open coil springs with addition edge support. However it incorporates extra fillings to provide a firmer sleeping environment. In addition to a cover that promotes airflow this mattress also boasts breather vents in the border to help to guarantee a cool and restful sleep. The matching divan base comes with end or side storage in any combination.
The Joseph Imagine Pocket Sprung Series 1000 Memory Foam Divan Bed is a superb bed. The mattress features the winning combination of pocket spring and memory foam. Pocket springs have revolutionised recent mattress manufacturing as they are individual springs in their own fabric pocket working with the contours of the body for great support. The 25mm of memory foam reacts to body heat and pressure supporting the important areas of the body such as the neck and back. With the mattress being of the non-turning kind, the Imagine only requires to be rotated from to end for great convenience. The matching divan base also comes with side or end storage in any combination.
Paperflow Rolladenschrank easy Office E2CT0010200065 2m anthrazit (E2CT0010200065)
Die Kunst des Einfachen. Das Massivholzbett Kalmera ist gerade aufgrund seiner einfachen Form ein Hingucker. Einfach und ohne Schnörkel, dafür mit durchdachter Funktion. Die ausreichend, angenehme Sitzhöhe sorgt für ein angenehmes Ein- und Aussteigen und kleine, feine Details, wie die leicht gerundeten Füße, oder die elegante Nachtkonsole geben diesem Bett seine unverwechselbare Note.
Lavoro Duo Dual Motor Height Adjustable Desking System- Two Person Office Workstation- Grey finish The Duo back-to-back desk allows two users to independently raise and lower their workspace whilst being connected by a single frame. The height adjustable desk features a sturdy and high-quality dual motor system. The Duo has a height adjustment range from 640mm-1300mm making it ideal for all users! This means that not only can the user adjust from sitting to standing as they please- which is said to promote health and productivity in the workplace- the desk is fully adjustable for inclusivity of all employees needs. The Advance range is wheelchair accessible. Made from high grade steel, the Duo adjustable desk has a 120 KG max load weight per workstation. The frame width can extend from 1150mm to 1750mm making it suitable for any top up to 1800mm.
Gradlinig und elegant. Beim Rast Möbeldesign Modularbett Due können Sie sich Ihre persönliche Kopfteillehne auswählen. Das gradlinige Massivholzbett kombiniert traditionelle Eckverbindungen des Schreinerhandwerkes mit innovativem Design und wird höchsten Ansprüchen gerecht.