Helles Grüngelb, glänzend Glas. Der Wein präsentiert sich mit herrlichem Duft nach reifen, weissen Apfel, feine Kräuterwürze, ein Hauch von Grapefruit, Marille im Hintergrund. Saftig, elegante Textur, zarte Fruchtsüsse, gut integrierte Säure, bleibt haften, ein feiner Essensbegleiter. Am Gaumen engmaschig, saftig und fruchtbetont. Passt zu: Vesper Platte, Spargel mit klassischen Wiener Schnitzel, gebratenem Fisch und Geflügel.
LUXOTIC NC, a new member of LUXOTIC series, is another masterpiece designed by JayBo. Compatible with dual 18650/20700 batteries, LUXOTIC NC devotes to providing you with incomparable vaping experience. Featuring the optional output mode in series and parallel, multiple protection systems are applied which make the device much safe and reliable. With detachable structure and Clapton 0.28ohm coil, Guillotine V2 pairs with the LUXOTIC NC perfectly for cloud chasing. Unique Design of Adjustable Voltage Houses 2 x 18650/20700 Battery (sold separately) Optional Output Mode in Series and Parallel Multiple Circuit Protection Systems Applied - Short-circuit Protection - Low Voltage Protection - Temperature Protection - Atomizer Protection Dual coils post deck Detachable Structure for Easy Cleaning Multifunctional Atomizer Tube for Convenient Airflow Control Rebuildable Clapton Coil and Open Build Space for DIY Fun Offering Two Drip Tips for Your Preference Optional Positive Contacts to Enrich Vaping Life Brand: Wismec Max output wattage 250W Resistance range 0.1 - 3ohm Tank Diameter 24mm Size 126 x 54.5 x 26.6mm
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The flat cigarette pods are more remarkable than the traditional vape cartridge appearance. Two different capacities can give you more options to save your valuable e-liquid. The most common vape pods on the market, suitable for many replaceable e-cigarette brands. We also provide upgraded battery products with higher quality than the above brands, especially the support for the 510 Thread atomizer function and Preheat function. Provide various brand packaging and packaging customization services on the market..syi
Type:Oil Lighter; Style:Ordinary; Features:Rechargeable; Flame:Single Flame; Material:Metal; Color:Assorted Colors; Dimensions (cm):5.5 x 3.7 x 1.3; Weight (kg):0.1966; Package Contents:2 Lighters
Type: E-liquid Net: 50ml Flavor: Menthol Nicotine Content: 0mg (0%) Nicotine Strength: Medium PG: 50% VG: 50% Quantity: 1 Net Weight: 59.7 g/ 2.11 oz Size: 93 x 35 x 35 mm/ 3.66 x 1.38 x 1.38 inch