El Museo Nacional de la Segunda Guerra Mundial presenta una rica colección de artefactos que consiguen dar vida a la historia durante el período de la II Guerra Mundial en los EE.UU. Explore la experiencia estadounidense en la guerra que cambió el mundo. Desde las galerías del Día D hasta el altísimo pabellón US Freedom: The Boeing Center a las revolucionarias Campaign of Courage, este museo de historia conocido mundialmente fue creado para inspirar a visitantes de todas las edades, educarlos sobre el heroísmo, la tragedia y la liberación de la II Guerra Mundial. Exhibiciones únicas y sorprendentes: The Arsenal of Democracy – el objetivo del Museo Nacional de la Segunda Guerra Mundial es contar la historia de cómo se ganó la guerra. La Exhibición The Arsenal of Democracy: The Herman and George R. Brown Salute to the Home Front (la exhibición permanente más nueva de museo, ubicada en la segunda planta del Pabellón Lousiana Memorial) literalmente trae la historia a casa. A través de exhibiciones multimedia e interactivas, y basándose en artefactos e historias orales, The Arsenal of Democracy crea innumerables oportunidades para que los visitantes puedan establecer una conexión más directa con la población que vivió la guerra Road to Tokyo – Fundación Richard C. Adkerson y FreeportMcMoRan. La galería del escenario del Pacífico recorre el trágico sendero que conduce desde Pearl Harbor a la bahía de Tokio a través de Nueva Guinea y el sudeste de Asia el Himalaya, Birmania, las islas del Pacífico, China, India y Alaska. Road to Berlin – The Duchossois Family. La galería del escenario europeo da vida al drama, los sacrificios, las historias personales y las estrategias de la campaña de los Estados Unidos para derrotar los poderes del Eje y preservar la libertad. Beyond All Boundaries – muestra exclusivamente la Guerra que cambió el mundo en 4D, en el teatro Solomon Victory del Museo Nacional de la Seguda Guerra Mundial. No incluida con la entrada. The D-Day Invasion Of Normandy – esta original exhibición, que se encuentra en la tercera planta del Pabellón Louisiana Memorial, ayuda a entender a qué se enfrentaron los Aliados en Normandía, desde los preparativos exhaustivos hasta los enormes desafíos una vez que las tropas aterrizaron en las playas de Normandía. Galería US Merchant Marine – esta galería rinde homenaje a los marineros mercantes civiles que arriesgaron sus vidas transportando armas, hombres y material para las tropas estadounidenses en el extranjero. Final Mission: USS Tang Submarine Experience – esta exhibición sitúa a los visitantes bordo del submarino más exitoso en la Segunda Guerra Mundial para la última patrulla de guerra el 25 de octubre de 1944. No incluida con la entrada. Manufacturing Victory – Siga el trayecto industrial que llevó a los Estados Unidos de una nación peligrosamente preparada para la guerra a una superpotencia global que condujo a los Aliados a la victoria en la II Guerra Mundial. Galería Special Exhibit – Fundación Joe W. and Dorothy D. Brown. Esta galería presenta exhibiciones rotativas a partir de colecciones propias del Museo, así como exhibiciones itinerantes relevantes de instituciones líderes de todo el mundo.
HMS Caroline Duración de la visita: 90 minutos aproximadamente. Dirección: Muelle Alexandra, Queens Rd, Belfast BT3 9DT. Debe canjear los vales en la misma dirección Tenga en cuenta: los tacones más altos que 5 cm no se pueden usar a bordo. Titanic Belfast y SS Nomadic Descubra cómo fue abordar el RMS Titanic en el fatídico viaje inaugural con la visita al Titanic Belfast y al SS Nomadic. El edificio del museo marítimo, Titanic Belfast, fue construido a la misma escala gigantesca que el RMS Titanic. La exhibición del museo es informativa e interactiva, además de divertida, atractiva y accesible para todos. La aventura empieza al entrar en el vestíbulo gigante del edificio, rodeado por las cuatro secciones, en forma de casco naval, que albergan la experiencia. Mientras pasea por el Titanic Belfast, aprenderá aspectos interesantes sobre el Belfast de finales de siglo. Además experimentará un emocionante paseo a través de la reconstrucción de los astilleros y la construcción del Titanic. Descubra las historias de los pasajeros, la tripulación y los héroes del día; reviva el trágico final del viaje inaugural del Titanic y visite el fondo del Atlántico, lugar del naufragio. Disfrute de las impresionantes vistas de las gradas desde donde zarpó el Titanic y relájese en uno de los excelentes restaurantes. El SS Nomadic se encuentra en el muelle seco de Hamilton, adyacente al Titanic Belfast. No solo es famoso por ser el transbordador del RMS Titanic, también sirvió en la Primera y Segunda Guerra Mundial. Los visitantes pueden seguir los pasos de los pasajeros y soldados del Titanic y de celebridades como Charles Chaplin, Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton y Marie Curie. Tras una temporada como restaurante y club nocturno, el SS Nomadic recuperó su esplendor original y regresó a su lugar de procedencia, Belfast. Los visitantes ahora pueden experimentar una pieza auténtica y tangible del patrimonio industrial y marítimo de Belfast. Tenga en cuenta que los niños y niñas deben ir acompañados por un adulto durante toda la visita.
At 135 metres, the London Eye is the world's tallest observation wheel, with 40 kilometre panoramic views on a clear day. The gradual journey takes approximately 30 minutes and offers spectacular views of London and its famous landmarks such as Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and St Paul's Cathedral. Now also included - London Eye 4D Experience!!! The London Eye 4D Experience is a groundbreaking 3D film with in theatre effects, such as wind, bubbles and mist, to make the 4D. The film itself is a touching story of a little girl in London with her father. Her view of famous London landmarks is obscured by people and traffic, but a seagull draws her attention to The London Eye and her father takes her for an experience; finally she has an amazing view of the city. Colourful parties inside the capsule, time lapse of The London Eye day and night and a spectacular firework display all add up to an emotional and entertaining experience; the perfect prelude to an experience on The London Eye itself. For a different perspective visit at sunset and see the city lights come on and the skyline awash with vibrant colours. Developed to further enhance your experience, the guide book offers a panoramic map of London, pointing out all the landmarks you will see on your journey. It includes interesting facts and figures about London and tells the story behind the concept, design and construction of London's newest and most talked-about landmark. The London Eye has 32 capsules, each carrying 25 guests, take you on a 30 minute journey through the most spectacular views of, over and around London spanning 25 miles in all directions. Safety and security is our number one priority. For your safety and convenience, please read the following information on what items can and can not be taken on to the London Eye. Please be aware that all guests are subject to a security search when boarding the London Eye. Please note that the following items CAN be taken on board the London Eye: · briefcases · laptops · small day size rucksacks and bags (maximum size 18" x 13" x 8" or 46cm x 33cm x 20cm) · baby bags The following items CAN NOT be taken on board the London Eye; · large bags/suitcases or rucksacks · motorcycle helmets · skateboards and rollerblades . tripods (unless agreed in advance with the London Eye) · baby buggies* · prohibited items** If you are unsure . * Baby buggies can be left at our 'Buggy' area facility in the ticket hall, although only for the duration of the experience. ** Prohibited items include sharp objects or anything which may be considered a security risk including penknives, scissors, metal nail files, toy or replica guns. If such objects are found or declared they will be checked in and returned to you after your experience providing the item is legal in the UK. Terms and conditions 1. Confiscated objects are left entirely at the owner's risk at all times. 2. London Eye Company (LEC) accepts no responsibility for the loss of or damage to any objects left with LEC. 3. LEC is entitled to refuse to store any visitor's objects at its sole discretion whether for public safety reasons or any other reason.
ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO One of TripAdvisor's Top Museums in the World—Four Years in a Row - 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 SHEDD AQUARIUM EXHIBITS UNDERWATER BEAUTY – A SPECIAL EXHIBIT, included with admission. Our living world is full of wonder. Celebrate with us the unbelievable beauty living in our oceans, lakes and rivers in a new special exhibit at Shedd Aquarium: Underwater Beauty. Get a glimpse of the grandeur beneath the waves as 100 species from around the world come together in an evocative new space. What is beauty? Spark your curiosity as you see all the ways beauty moves and coexists. Watch sea jellies pulse, eels ribbon and a rainbow come alive with reef fishes. Feel the rhythms, embrace the colors and savor the patterns found only underwater. Experience a world worth celebrating – and saving. Waters of the World Travel the world in 80 habitats. Dive into Oceans, from coastal kelp forests to the seafloor. Explore the self-contained ecosystems of Islands and Lakes. Visit Rivers—big and small—and learn more about our local waters in the new At Home on the Great Lakes exhibit. Meet hundreds of amazing animals, from tiny mantella frogsto a a giant octopus, from a Grand Cayman blue iguana to Nile knifefish, and from moon jellies to sea stars. We even have map turtles, in case you get lost. Caribbean Reef Take a 360-degree tour of an underwater reef community. Follow a green sea turtle. Peek at a moray eel in a rocky crevice. Watch regal rays glide by. Get eye-to-eye with parrot fish and sharks. Visit Caribbean Reef, Shedd’s award-winning 90,000-gallon circular habitat in the grand rotunda. Amazon Rising Take an exotic journey in the Amazon, home to one-third of all living things. Watch out for anacondas and piranhas, spiders, rays and a camouflaged caiman. In churning river channels, still lakes and even flooded treetops look for tetras, turtles and fruit-eating fish called tambaqui. See how the region’s animals, plants and people adapt to the water’s dramatic annual rise and fall. Abbott Oceanarium The Abbott Oceanarium immerses you in the vibrant coastal ecosystem of beluga whales, Pacific white-sided dolphins, sea otters and sea lions. You’ll also find a host of fishes and invertebrates that make their homes where freshwater flows into the ocean or where tides turn seascapes to landscapes and back again each day. Use our self-guided map to discover how animals are linked to each other, their homes and you. Polar Play Zone Kids have a place at Shedd that they can call their own—Polar Play Zone. It’s cool as ice and twice as nice! The penguins think so, too. Play! Splash! Pretend! What would you like to be? A sleek sliding penguin? A deep-sea explorer? How about both? In Polar Play Zone, you can slip into a penguin suit and try being a bird in the Icy South play area. From there, head to the Icy North to explore the belugas’ Arctic waters in a kid-sized submarine. Don’t forget to shake hands—or is it arms?—with colorful sea stars in the touch pools. In Polar Play Zone, you’ll learn about polar opposites—big and small, fast and slow, shallow and deep, even north and south—while you play. The Oceanarium Aquatic Presentation is included however based on available seating and remaining show times at the time of guest arrival. (2018 Aquatic Presentation Schedule) Stingray Touch (seasonal experience) is included. Open late May through October. 4D Experience is not included however the 4D experience tickets may be purchased at the theatre for $3.00 per -person Pets are not allowed in the aquarium
¿Cómo utilizar la tarjeta de Bruselas?
La Tarjeta de Bruselas es válida durante 24, 48 o 72 horas a partir de cuándo se usa por primera vez en un museo
Debe usar su tarjeta de Bruselas por primera vez dentro de un año de su fecha de compra.
¿Cómo utilizar la tarjeta de Bruselas en el museo?
Durante el tiempo que la tarjeta es válida se puede visitar el mismo museo tantas veces como desee (sin costes adicionales)
Sólo tiene que presentar su Tarjeta de Bruselas en el mostrador de venta y será validado electrónicamente; esta se activará la primera vez que la utilice
La Tarjeta de Bruselas le da acceso libre a todas las colecciones permanentes de los museos. La mayoría de las exposiciones temporales también están incluidos, a excepción de los viejos maestros Museo, el Museo de Ciencias Naturales y el Museo del Cincuentenario, en las que paga el precio de la entrada normal si quiere visitar las exposiciones temporales.
¿Cómo funcionan los descuentos?
Los descuentos para las diversas atracciones, excursiones, tiendas, restaurantes y bares en esta guía son para un solo uso!
Los descuentos son válidos, incluso después de su Tarjeta de Bruselas ha expirado.
Para obtener el descuento, sólo tiene que presentar su tarjeta de Bruselas y entregar el comprobante correspondiente a encontrar en la parte posterior de la guía.
En el enlace encontrará todo lo que incluye la Tarjeta Turística de Bruselas
Magical Beatles Museum + Liverpool FC Stadium Tour & Museum - special offer! Tickets Included: Entry to the Magical Beatles Museum in Liverpool Liverpool FC Anfield Stadium Tour & Museum Visit these two top Liverpool attractions for less with 365 Tickets. The attractions can be visited on the same day or different days. simply select your prefered date(s) above. Magical Beatles Museum Highlights: Beatles stories, memories and music from 1959 through to 1970 a 300-strong collection of never before seen items once personally belonging to the Beatles and their team The instruments they played, the clothes they wore and the music they created the earliest ever colour footage of the Beatles playing live Letters, telegrams, posters & flyers Liverpool Football Club Stadium Tour & Museum Highlights: Tour of Anfield Stadium with a multimedia handsets* Souvenir LFC earphones The LFC Story Museum Steven Gerrard Collection exhibition, including football jerseys, winners medals and more *Multimedia Handsets available in: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Mandarin, Thai, Indonesian, Arabic and British Sign Language. During the LFC Stadium Tour, you can: Enjoy a specially recorded video introduction to the stadium from the Manager Take in unbeatable views of the pitch and city from the Main Stand's top level Visit the new state-of-the-art Home and Away Team dressing rooms Practice your interview technique in the new Press Room Touch the famous 'This Is Anfield' sign Enjoy a spine-tingled walk down the new Players' Tunnel Use your interactive multimedia handset for additional information and clips on players and managers past and present Please Note: Stadium Tours are daily, excluding home match days, starting from 10.00 No access to the Dressing Rooms the day before a home match day. Your ticket can either be printed or shown on your mobile phone. From Sunday to Friday during term time, guided tours are available in English only. Saturdays and during school holidays, tours are all self-guided using audio guides available in 9 languages. Occasionally Sundays will be self-guided using the audio guides. While you are in Liverpool, why not also take a ride on one of the city's iconic Mersey Ferries?