Dunkles, dichtes Rot mit lila Reflexen, intensiv duftend nach Pflaumen, Gewürzen, Vanille und Lakritz, aromatische Fülle mit reifen Fruchtaromen, weichem, präsentem Tannin und viel Würze im Finale Passt zu: gebratenen oder gegrillten Fleischgerichten mit kräftigem Eigengeschmack.
Leuchtende rubinrote Farbe mit violetten Reflexen. Das Bouquet ist sortentypisch mit Aromen von Cassis, Waldbeeren, roter Paprika und weissem Pfeffer. Am Gaumen geschmeidig, weich und feinwürzig mit präsenten Tanninen und einem eleganten Finale. Passt zu: gebratenem Fisch, hellem gebratenen Fleisch und Gegrilltem, Pasta mit kräftigen Saucen.
Taking place once a day (except on Sunday), with an arrival time of 10am, our Whisky and Chocolate Tasting Tour includes our full Aberfeldy Distillery tour, but instead of culminating in a single whisky tasting, at about 11.15am you’ll enjoy a whisky and chocolate tasting tray of 3 fine Scotch whiskies, each expertly matched with an artisan single origin dark chocolate disc for a luxurious whisky and chocolate tasting experience. Take a guided tour of Dewar’s Aberfeldy Distillery to discover how we make the beautifully balanced single malt at the heart of Dewar’s blended Scotch. Visit the warehouse to learn more about the angels’ share and our unreasonable commitment to quality – double aging whisky for a richer, smoother flavour. Also included is an interactive heritage exhibition offering a unique insight into founders; John Dewar and his sons, Tommy and John Alexander. Return to the Whisky Lounge for a comparative whisky and chocolate tasting tray featuring 15ml samples of Aberfeldy 12 year old single malt whisky, premium Dewar’s 12 year old blended Scotch, and super-premium expression of Dewar’s – Dewar’s 18 year old, each paired by their Master Blender, Stephanie Macleod, to a unique single origin dark chocolate. Chocolate discs are handmade in the nearby village of Acharn, just 6 miles from our distillery, by local chocolatier Charlotte Flower. Charlotte has worked hard for us to source some of the finest chocolates from around the world. The final selection was made by their Master Blender, Stephanie Macleod, [Icons of Whisky Master Blender of the Year 2018] who hand-selected each chocolate to enhance the enjoyment of the whiskies she has created. The honeyed-richness of Aberfeldy and the smoothness of the double-aged Dewar’s blends make them the perfect companions to fine artisan chocolate – this is a whisky and chocolate tasting experience not to be missed. Take time to explore the heritage centre and enjoy a dram in the whisky lounge (over 18s only!).
Aus biologischem Anbau
Leuchtend strohgelb, besticht in der Nase mit Aromen von Rosen, Nelken und edlen Gewürzen. Am Gaumen kraftvoll von süsser Fruchtlänge trotz trockenen Ausbaus. Passt zu Krustentieren, Gerichten asiatischer Küche.
VOOPOO RUNE RDA is the latest RDA from VOOPOO. The electrode-mast-free base of RUNE allows for maximum E-liquid capacity. Features the vertical coil connecting system that will make DIY simpler. Moreover, VOOPOO DUNE is compatible with both squonk and usual pin, and it is best to pair with any squonk mod on the market. Besides, you can change the 810 or 510 resin drip tip at random. Useful Angle-Control Design Adjustable Sideling Airflows Four Bottom Airflows Maximum E-liquid Capacity Compatible with both squonk and usual pin Vertical Coil Connection System Compatible with 810 & 510 Resin Drip Tips 510 threading connection 24.6mm overall diameter Brand: VOOPOO Model RUNE RDA Resistance DIY Size 26 x 24.6mm