Die Nackenstütze unterstützt dein Kind besonders während der Autofahrt
Die visuellen und auditiven Elemente helfen bei der Entwicklung der verschiedenen Sinne deines Babys auf spielerischen Weg.
Der farblich zum Kinderwagen passende ABC Design Organizer bietet viele unterschiedliche Fächer, um alle wichtigen Utensilien griffbereit und sicher zu verstauen.
Hartan Adapter 2014 für Römer Baby Safe Plus.
So I am guessing the first question is.. What is Travel Sentry? It's a good question, they are a company who devised a standard for luggage locks so they can be opened by a Master Key by Airport Security - most notably the TSA (Transport Security Administration) in America. This means that instead of having to take some bolt cutters to your lock to make sure you're not smuggling in radioactive material or car batteries they can use their magic master key to open the lock, do the security check and then lock your suitcase back up and send it on it's way. Lock comes with two keys (here's a tip for keeping your spare keys, because we all end up with a drawer full of them - take a permanent marker and make matching marks (cross, circle, numbers whatever takes your fancy) on both the spare key and the lock. No more guess work!)Dimensions (W/H/D) - 2.25 x 4 x 1.25 cmMaterial - Brass lock body with ABS coating, 100% Steel Shackle