Hier kommt das haptische Erlebnis! Mit der neuen Campus Edition steht ein außergewöhnliches Schreibgefühl im Vordergrund. Für die Damen wird es glamourös, für die Herren dagegen etwas dezenter, in jedem Fall aber äußerst taktil! Chess Stone - Die blauen Muster erzeugen den spannenden Haptik-Effekt. Der neue Campus Tintenpatronen-Rollerball überzeugt als hochwertiges Lifestyle-Schreibgerät: Die verbesserte Qualität des Magic Balls sorgt für lange Lebensdauer und flüssigeres Schreib-Feeling. Das Softtouch-Griffstück unterstützt zusätzlich die Ergonomie und bietet besonders entspannten, weichen Schreib-Komfort – speziell auch für Linkshänder. Nachfüllbar mit ONLINE Kombipatronen oder Standard-Tintenpatronen.
The Maya Lacquered Steel Magnetic Whiteboard has a size of 1200 x 900, the anodized aluminium frame has rounded contrasting corners that bring life into your meetings, lessons, conferences and training sessions. This medium sized whiteboard perfect for daily use in every room, constant changes in information and team meetings. The magnetic dry wipe surface of these whiteboards is perfect to write, erase and re-write information as well as to post notes with magnets.Includes pen tray and wall fixings.1200 x 900 Magnetic lacquered steel whiteboard surface, slim anodised aluminum frame, magnetic coated steel surface, aluminium pen tray simply clips onto frame in any position, can be mounted horizontal or vertically
Phoenix Planet HS6076K High Security Safe with Key Lock The HS6076K safe is ideal for maximum security protection of your cash and valuables. This Phoenix safe is recommended for secure storage of up to £60,000 cash or £600,000.00 worth of valuables, and would be suitable for the home, office or business. The Planet safe is fitted with two high quality key locks for additional security, and offers fire protection for your paper documents for up to 30 minutes. This high security safe has been approved by the UK Police Secured by Design scheme as well as the Association of Insurance Surveyors. This Phoenix model is supplied pre-prepared for fitting an alarm or power cable, and is ready for wall and floor fixing. Suitable for storage of: 27 lever arch folders 27 foolscap lever arch folders 18 foolscap box files
High yield black toner to fit DCP-L8410CDW / HL-L8260CDW / MFC-L8690CDW / HL-L8360CDW / MFC-L8900CDW, 6500 page yield
Colormetrics P1000, 38,1cm (15""), Projected Capacitive, SSD Kassensystem, Touchscreen, Projected Capacitive, 38,1cm (15""), 1024x768 Pixel, Intel Celeron Quad Core, 2,0GHz, RAM: 4GB, SSD: 64GB, USB (5x), RS232 (2x), Ethernet (10/100/1000Mbit), Kassenladenanschluss (RJ11), Audio, VGA, Helligkeit: 300cd, inkl.: Netzteil, Netzkabel, separat bestellen: Betriebssystem (P10004G)
Lerche Universalschere 45126 26cm rostfrei Kunststoffgriff sw (45126)