The Hugsvape Ring Lord Mesh RTA is a newly designed rebuildable tank atomizer with 2ml e-juice capacity, which is constructed from high quality stainless steel and glass. With an extra bulb glass tube, its capacity can be extended to 5ml. The Hugsvape Ring Lord RTA also adopts ring-like air tube above the single coil build deck to bring smooth airflow and optimal flavor. Together with bottom airflow system and easy top refilling design, the Hugsvape Ring Lord is definitely a great vaping device. Innovative round airflow tube Adjustable bottom airflow system 2ml capacity with extra 5ml bubble glass tube Easy top refilling design Adjustable bottom airflow Single-coil deck for easy building Model: RTA Brand Hugsvape Model RingLord Build Deck Single Coil Coil Type Mesh Coil Tank Capacity 2ml/5ml Resistance 0.06ohm Wattage 65-75W Size 50.3 x 26mm
This is E-XY NI80 (Nichrome 80) Tri-Core Fused Clapton Coil High Density Heating Wire For RDA RTA Atomizer Heating Wire DIY Building, the length is 15 Feet (5 Meters), 5M/Roll. Model: Tri-Core Fused Clapton Material: NI80 Gauge: 3*28GA+36GA Name: Resistance Wire
Ein strahlend goldener Farbton mit delikatem Prickeln feiner Bläschen. In der Nase ein lebendiges und präzises Bukett mit blumigen Aromen von Weissdorn, Kirschbaumblüten und Aprikosen. Am Gaumen präsentiert er sich elegant und frisch mit Aromen von Clementine. Das Finish ist sehr angenehm mit leicht würzigen Noten. Passt zu: Fisch, Hummer und Meeresfrüchten.
Dieser reinsortige Susumaniello, typische Rebsorte Apuliens, vereint im Bukett Noten von roten Früchten, schwarzen Johannisbeeren sowie feine Untertöne von schwarzem Pfeffer und Koriander. Am Gaumen ist dieser Rotwein aus Italien zu Beginn leicht...
The Aspire Nautilus 2 has a compact, elegant & modern design where the sleeve surrounds the glass and is unscrewed for filling.The Aspire Nautilus 2 has a very simple top filling system which is leak resistant. The Nautilus 2 tank holds 2ml of e-liquid and is fully TPD compliant. The shorter chimney design allows for far better flavour to come off the coil when in use. The Aspire Nautilus 2 comes pre-installed with a 0.7ohm nautilus bvc coil which performs much better with the new pinpoint airflow control system.In addition to the 0.7ohm coil we also include the 1.8ohm Nautilus BVC coil in the box for those that like the older style vape.The Nautilus 2 tank is compatible with older Nautilus BVC coils, the triton mini coils and the new 0.7ohm Nautilus BVC coils.Whats in the box?Aspire Nautilus 2 tank.1.8ohm BVC coil.0.7ohm new BVC coil preinstalled.Replacement Glass.Spare 0 rings.Warranty card.Instruction Manual.
ORIGINE : Agriculture Italie INGREDIENT : Riz arborio blanc issu de l agriculture biologique Information allergenes : 0 SPECIFICITES PRODUIT : variete speciale de riz ideale pour realiser le risotto. Texture a la fois fondante et ferme au coeur du grain. CONSEILS D UTILISATION : faire revenir 1 volume de riz arborio dans un peu de matiere grasse avec eventuellement des oignons. Remuer jusqu a ce que le grain commence a etre translucide. Ajouter progressivement au moins deux volumes de bouillon chaud et poursuivre la recette du risotto que vous avez choisie (cuisson : environ 20 minutes). A conserver dans un endroit sec et frais, a l abri de la lumiere Certifie AB