ROTH Schultütenständer, aus Metall, silber für eine Schultüte - 1 Stück (67010)
ROTH Schultütenschleife ""Hello Yellow"", gelb/weiß fertig gebunden, im Blister, Maße: (B)230 x (H)500 mm - 1 Stück (679262)
CASIO Schulrechner FX87DEX 12stellig Solar/Batterie schwarz (FX87DEX)
Beschreibung Pelikan Schulmodul 744: Deckfarbkasten K12 / Malschürzen Inhalt: 18 x Deckfarbkasten K12, 5 x Malschürze blau, 5 x Malschürze rot (669762)
This classy and elegant Straight Water Pipe with Tree Perc stands 11" tall and features an 8-arm tree perc. The smoke is pulled to the top of the "tree" and then filters though the 8 individual "arms" for the smoothest draw possible. The ultra filtrated draws from this lovely piece will feel even cooler when you add ice on top of the stacked triple ice pinch. This commanding glass piece makes the perfect accessory for any smoking connoisseur. This glass piece has a 18mm Female joint that will fit 18mm Male accessories and replacements.
herlitz Werkschürze ""Boys"", aus 100 % Polyester Maße: (B)550 x (H)500 mm, 4 Fronttaschen, zum Umbinden, - 1 Stück (50021390)