Curcuma Artichaut Fenouil 30 comprimes Fleurance Nature Le curcuma artichaut fenouil 30 comprimes de Fleurance nature est un complement alimentaire. Crsquo;est une association de trois extraits de plantes biologiques et naturelles telles que le gingembre, lrsquo;artichaut et le fenouil. Chacune de ces plantes contribue grandement a ameliorer la digestion transit. Ces comprimes contiennent de lrsquo;artichaut tres apprecie pour sa grande teneur en vitamines, en oligoelements, en mineraux et en fibres, ce qui a un impact majeur sur le fonctionnement du transit intestinal. Lrsquo;action du fenouil est considerable, cet ingredient stimule a merveille la digestion apres les repas afin de combattre les douleurs abdominales et les ballonnements. Le gingembre quant a lui vient pour assurer une excellente digestion transit, permettant ainsi au tractus intestinal de fonctionner correctement.
Tee2 Blood Glucose MeterTee2 Blood Glucose Meter is ideal for people with uncomplicated type 2 diabetes, including those on insulin, and is accurate to the latest standards while still being affordable.Tee2 Blood Glucose Meter has a three step test process and requires no coding making it quick and easy to use with results in just 5 seconds. It has a large, easy to read screen where you can view the last 500 results, or the results can be downloaded on to a computer.
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PKU Anamix Junior LQ 36x125mlA phenylalanine-free drink containing a balanced mix of the other essential and non-essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fat (including docosahexanoic acid (DHA)), vitamins, minerals and trace elements. For the dietary management of children with phenylketonuria aged 1-10years (3-10years in some countries).
The recommended intake of PKU Anamix Junior LQ should be determined by a clinician or dietitian only, and is dependent on age, bodyweight, and medical condition of the patient.
Available as orange or berry flavoured.
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