Grüner Silikonschlauch Lebensmittelqualität Silikongummischlauch Flexibler Schlauchschlauch Wasserleitung für Pumpentransfer Verbindungsrohre für Lebensmittelmaschinen, 1 mm ID x 3 mm AD 1 Meter
If you want a clean and premium grinding experience to enjoy with your smokes, these grinders from SLX are exactly what you need! Offering you higher efficiency by keeping your legal smoking herbs together versus stuck to the grinder, this 64mm sized grinder is coated with non-toxic and FDA certified ceramic over durable 7075 aluminum. These standard 2.4" grinders are scratch and wear resistant and are sure to last you for the long haul so you can always get the best cut every time!
CANSON Zeichenpapier-Block, 210 x 297 mm, weiß, 90 g/qm perforiert, 4 Löcher - 1 Stück (C200005966)
Maped Zeichenset HARRY POTTER, 35-teilig im Karton, Maße: (B)257 x (T)210 x (H)53 mm, - 1 Stück (899797)
ROTH Vokabelheft Klapp-up Französisch ""Eiffelturm"", DIN A5 64 Seiten, 148 x 210 mm, Schutzumschlag, umklappbare - 1 Stück (88794-218)