Good to Know: Because of events held in the stadium, the tour is subject to change according to security requirements in force on the day of your visit. For security reasons, your bag will be searched before you enter the stadium. Please aim to arrive 30 minutes before the scheduled time of your visit. You’ll begin your tour by visiting the stands which offer you a breathtaking panorama. Your expert guide will show you around the stadium’s private boxes. You’ll enjoy the special atmosphere of the locker room and will walk through the same tunnel which players use to access the pitch. Close your eyes and imagine the excitement of the 80,000 spectators cheering on their teams at the biggest games, as if you were there. You’ll be told all about the stadium’s history, its unique architecture and the stars who’ve appeared on its manicured pitch. But there’s more to the stadium than just football! The largest sporting and cultural venue in France doesn’t just host high-level competitions; shows and other major events are also held here. The Rolling Stones were the first group to perform at the stadium. The experience continues as you’re left to enjoy the Stade de France’s museum: archives, models, autographed guitars and jerseys... an array of items which are a testament to the stadium’s legendary history. It’s a unique visit, following in the footsteps of Zidane and Griezmann, and allows you to find out all there is to know about the mysteries of the Stade de France!
Wonderworks features over 100 interactive exhibits for visitors of all ages to experience. Some of the exhibits include the death defying bed-of-nails, wonder coasters, a bubble lab, and indoor glow-in-the-dark ropes course, astronaut training gyros and more! WonderWorks Orlando began as a Top Secret research laboratory on a remote island in the Bermuda Triangle. As legend has it, the world’s greatest scientists – led by Professor Wonder – were given the task of creating a man-made tornado and harnessing the POWER of it. During this experiment, something went awry and the power of the tornado was unleashed throughout the laboratory. This created a swirling vortex that was strong enough to rip the laboratory from its foundation. It was carried thousands of miles away and landed upside-down on the top of a brick warehouse in Orlando, Florida. Remarkably, all of the experiments remained intact and functional. When you enter the building, everything will be upside-down, so in order to participate in the fun, you must be inverted. Step inside the inversion tunnel and be turned right side up to begin your journey. Once you are properly aligned for your adventure, family fun awaits with more than 100 hands on exhibits.
Barcelona Night Card es la mejor manera de conocer y disfrutar de la vida nocturna en Barcelona, porque te facilitará la entrada gratuita y sin colas a los mejores clubs de la ciudad durante dos o siete noches consecutivas. La mejor forma de conocer la noche de Barcelona. Con una sola tarjeta podrás acceder a los locales de moda de la noche barcelonesa: Aire Arena Sala Classic Arena Sala Dandy/Sala VIP Arena Sala Madre Atlàntic Barcelona Be Cool Bikini Barcelona Boulevard Culture Club City Hall Dance Club Concept Danza Barcelona Club Costa Breve Les Enfants Macarena Music Club Moog Oak Opium Otto Zutz Club Pacha Room Barcelona La Terrazza Soho the Club Sutton Club Shôko Restaurant Lounge Club Barcelona Night Card es una tarjeta de diseño exclusivo, con toda la información práctica y un mapa por zonas de la ciudad, para que puedas localizar los diferentes locales. También encontrarás indicaciones para llegar en transporte público y un mapa de la red del metro de Barcelona. Para disfrutar de las ventajas de esta tarjeta sólo debes llegar antes de las 2 am. Podrás entrar a todos los locales incluidos, ¡pero las consumiciones van por tu cuenta! Con la Barcelona Night Card serás el dueño de la noche.
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San Diego Zoo Global is a not-for-profit organization that operates the San Diego Zoo, the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, and the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research. San Diego Zoo Global is the largest zoological membership association in the world, with more than 250,000 member households and 130,000 child memberships representing more than a half-million people. Mission Statement San Diego Zoo Global is committed to saving species worldwide by uniting our expertise in animal care and conservation science with our dedication to inspiring passion for nature. San Diego Zoo The 100-acre (40-hectare) Zoo is home to over 3,700 rare and endangered animals representing more than 650 species and subspecies, and a prominent botanical collection with more than 700,000 exotic plants. It is located just north of downtown San Diego in Balboa Park. San Diego Zoo Safari Park The Safari Park is an expansive wildlife sanctuary that is home to more than 2,600 animals representing more than 300 species. Its renowned botanical collection represents 3,500 species and 1.5 million specimens. Over half of the Park’s 1,800 acres (730 hectares) have been set aside as protected native species habitat. It is located 30 miles (48 kilometers) north of downtown San Diego in the San Pasqual Valley near Escondido, California.
Die Classic Tour Entdecke wie der Irische Whiskey den weltweiten Whiskeymarkt beeinflusste. Das Konzept der Führung ist einzigartig, es hebt sich von den üblichen Whiskeyführungen in Irland ab. Das besondere an dieser Führung ist, dass Sie alle Whiskeymarken berücksichtigt und die fesselnde Geschichte des Irischen Whiskeys als Ganzes betrachtet und nicht auf einzelne Destillationsprozesse schaut. Während der rund einstündigen Führung werden Sie von sachkundigen Guides durch die 5 Ausstellungsräume und die verschiedenen Äras des Whiskeys geführt. Neben der mitreißenden Geschichte halten die Guides natürlich auch spannende Anekdoten bereit. Selbstredend gehört auch eine professionelle Verkostung samt Anleitung dazu; so wird Ihnen beim nächsten Whiskeyabend niemand mehr etwas vormachen können. Während deer klassischen Whiskey-Tour dürfen Sie 3 Whiskeys probieren.