Phoenix FS0440 Range Fixing Kit This kit allows the above safe to be fixed to floor and models within this range Including FS0441, FS0442, FS0443 SAFES
Tyvek Versandtaschen C4, ohne Fenster, 55 g/qm, Kleinpackung 229 x 324 mm, Haftklebung mit Abdeckstreifen, hochweiß (67175)
COLOP Wortbandstempel Mini Dater S120/WD, mit Datum - für den Markt: D / L / A / CH (104959)
Bisley Contract A4 Home Office Filing Cabinets Home office storage that's affordable and looks good is difficult to come by, making the A4 home filer a real steal. From the outside it looks neat and tidy, but inside its capacious interior accommodates a range of filing and storage options. A4 filers are an essential product for those seeking practical filing solutions with a small budget and are ideal for small office under desk storage. Features Functional home office storage solutions with black, centralised handles Ideal for filing sheets of paper, folders, files and even storing personal belongs Lockable drawers to ensure items are kept secure and away from those who should not have access MTO finishes of blue, green, orange, red, silver, white and yellow also available Single action lock secures both drawers
trodat Stempelkissen 9052 (B)110 x (T)70 mm, grün Kunststoff-Gehäuse, wasserbasierend, ungiftig, Farbstoffe (56345)
herlitz Heftzange, Heftleistung: 15 Blatt, schwarz/hellgrau Heftleistung: 15 Blatt, für Heftklammern Nr. 10, Einlege - 1 Stück (50022687)