Formulee a destination des peaux sensibles, la Creme Solaire Indice 30 PyratineXR vise a hydrater et proteger la peau des UVA et UVB. Sa formule, comprenant Oxyde de zinc et Vitamine E, apaise et soulage pour eviter rougeurs et irritations. Absorption rapide. Ne laisse pas de residus blancs.
Die Makari Premium Aufhellungsmilch ist ein Premium Hautpflegeprodukt, welches die Haut mit Feuchtigkeit versorgt und dunkle Stellen der Haut bleicht.
Do you have crow’s feet? Discover Remescar Crow’s Feet, a unique eye cream to help deal with the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. Remescar Crow’s Feet makes use of specialised eWRINK technology that aims to tighten, fill and stimulate the delicate skin for a more youthful appearance.
Striagen-SV Spider Veins is a cream for the worry of visible veins, and aims to soothe & strengthen with innovative Phytotonine and body-boosting Vitamins K & E, enhanced with Jojoba & Aloe Vera. Striagen-SV Spider Veins is perfectly formulated for targeted twice daily application.
Manuka soap is a natural and gentle way to help take of your skin from the comfort of your own home with its unique essential oil blend.
Makari Extreme Carrot & Argan Soap helps to minimise the production of melanin and leaves your skin with a healthy glow.