Ganz neu!: Mit dem Fußsack Camouflage liegen sie jetzt voll im Trend der neuen Saison!
Fußsack aus echtem Lammfell -hautverträglich und klimaausgleichend.
Having a go to holdall for those last minute weekend away trips is great, and having one that folds up into a handy pocket size pouch to reduce storage at home is even better! No need to decide which of those two shirts you should take as the generous 16 litres means you can take both! The bag magically folds out from it's tiny pouch which then turns into a separate zipped pocket on the side (it's not magic, just fancy folding!)Dimensions (W/H/D) - folded 8.5 x 10 x 2.5 cm, unfolded 28 x 39 x 7 cmCapacity - 16 litresMaterial - 100% PolyesterRub-a-dub-dub - Wipe Clean
Ein Kombinationsautositz für Babys (0 - 13 kg) und Kleinkinder (9 - 18 kg).
Komplettset inklusiv Sportwagen, Wanne, Wickeltasche und Kinderautositz.