Accu-Chek Aviva Control SolutionAccu-Chek Aviva Control Solution is used in conjunction with your test strips to ensure that your Accu-Check Aviva Meter is working correctly and providing reliable results. Refer to the owner's booklet for information on when to run a control test.
Fieber-abk¨¹hlender gel-Flecken S¨¹? duftenden Geruch, einfach anzuwenden und zu entfernen. Anwendungen: bei Fieber, Kopfschmerzen, Zahnschmerzen, Verstauchungen, Prellungen, Aktualisieren Gef¨¹hle. Komponenten: Hydro-gel, Wasser, menthol, borneol. in verschiedenen Gr??en passend f¨¹r Kinder und Erwachsene'forehead. Cool sofort bis zu 8 Stunden. Sanft zur Haut. Leicht anzuwenden und zu entfernen. Vorsichtsma?nahmen Verwenden Sie nur, wie verwiesen. F¨¹r externen Gebrauch nur. Vermeiden Sie direkten Kontakt mit Augen und Nasenl?chern. nicht mehr verwenden, wenn Sie Hautausschl?ge, R?tungen, Juckreiz oder Reizungen und Kontaktieren Sie Ihren Arzt. Bei Verwendung auf Kinder, ist die Beaufsichtigung durch Erwachsene erforderlich. Wenn die K?rpertemperatur ¨¹ber 39?, ?rztlichen Rat einholen. Aufbewahrung Speichern Sie in einem k¨¹hlen und trockenen Platz, Weg vom direkten Sonnenlicht. Halten Sie aus Reichweite von Kindern heraus.
Category:Safety Shoe Boots; What's in the box:Safety Shoe Boots; Function:Breathable,Anti-cutting; Compatibility:Workplace Safety Supplies; Brand:Factory OEM; Net Weight:1.0; Listing Date:11/16/2018; Production mode:External procurement
Features: Infrared thermal imager that can blend the visible and infrared images. Resolution of infrared image/visible image: 3600 pixels/0.3 mega pixels. This infrared imaging device is professional, precision and efficient. For car engine overhaul, transformer room line maintenance, air conditioner repair, etc. Our infrared thermal imager can turn thermal image into visional image, quickly find out the problem area.
Features: Handheld infrared thermometer for non-contact measurement of object surface temperature. The bright laser pointer for easy and accurate aiming makes measurement even more precise. Adjustable emissivity from 0.10-1.00. Optional temperature units: Celsius(C) and Fahrenheit(F). Can measure maximum, minimum, difference, average value and also can set high and low temperature alarm which is especially suitable for batch measuring. With data storage function, can store at most 30 groups of temperature. You can store, recall and clear the data as you want. LCD display with backlight, easy to read.
Category:Safety Shoe Boots; What's in the box:Safety Gloves,Safety Shoe Boots; Function:Anti-cutting,Breathable; Compatibility:Workplace Safety Supplies; Brand:Factory OEM; Net Weight:1.0; Listing Date:11/16/2018; Production mode:External procurement