Vandyvape Kylin M RTA adopts durable and replaceable mesh coil that extend the coil life effectively. It got a top airflow intake preventing from dirty and oil leakage. The honercomb intake airhole plus trapezoidal airflow intake really enrich and blow out great massive cloud and mild flavor. What
Rebuildable Tank Clearomizer,Vandy Vape Kylin M,VandyVape Kylin M,Kylin M RTA,KylinM RTA,Kylin-M RTA,Kylin M 24 RTA,Kylin M 24mm RTA,Kylin M 4.5 ml RTA,Kylin M 3 ml RTA,Kylin M Rebuildable Tank Atomizer,Kylin M Rebuiltable Tank Atomizer,Kylin M Rebuildabl