Lavender & mint for protected lips An essential lip care product for on-the-go. Keep your lips moisturised and protected for hours with Soapwalla's Lip Locked Lavender Mint Balm. The lip balm contains the following key components: Raw food-grade coconut oil provides unparalleled protection from the elements. Cold pressed avocado oil--rich in vitamins A, D and E- reduces the appearance of surface irritation while promoting healthy-looking, glowing skin. Lavender essential oil calms, and mint creates a subtly refreshing tingling sensation. Properties: neutral taste no waxy residue moisturises for hours unisex safe to use on children suitable for the most sensitive lips
Die Harrogate-Schwefel-Hand- und Gesichtswasche ist eine sanfte Art, die Haut zu reinigen und zu hydratisieren. Preisgunstiger im 3er-Pack
South Beach Corrector de Ojeras elimina el hinchazon de los parpados y las oscuras ojeras de forma eficaz para lucir una cara y ojos radiantes
This tattoo wash squeeze bottle, with more thicker sidewall. Suitable for green soap or alcohol needs. A great replacement for spray bottle, reduce airborne contamination. Perfect for tattooists.