Kleen Green offers a special kind of cleansing for glass, metal, brass, chrome, acrylic and ceramic pipes. This cleanser is specially concentrated for pipes that may be harder to clean. Its formulated to be a healthier, safer, and easier cleaning process for any and all of your pipes! Comes in your choice of a 4oz or 16oz bottle.
Transform your favorite VIE Vaporizer from a dry vape into a concentrate vape with the VIE Vaporizer Concentrate Capsules. These lovely pods offer a super tight seal and encapsulate your favorite concentrates. Simply fill with your favorite legal smoking concentrates and insert into your VIE Vaporizer! Each order includes 16 refillable concentrate capsules per pack. These capsules are compatibale with the VIE Vaporizer .
Beschreibung STAEDTLER Schulzirkel Noris Club 550 01, Länge: 156 mm mit Spindelführung, Schnellverstellung, auswechselbarer Blei- und Nadeleinsatz, Blei- und Nadelschenkel, abknickbar, Schulterspitznadel, max. Kreis-Durchmesser ca. 260 mm, Inhalt: Zirkel, Universaladapter für Stifte bis 11 mm Durch- messer, Minendose (550 01)
Vector crafts elegant and sleek but perfectly portable and functional high-quality torch lighters for you to enjoy with your smokes! These Mystique torch lighters feature a slim profile that is easy to conceal and carry with you but feel comfortable in your hand when you use them. With a single function ignition button and dial to adjust the intensity of the flame, these torches are handy but powerful. These single jet torches are wind resistant and will easily become a new favorite for you to enjoy on the go!
These super simple and elegantly designed 7" Inkwell concentrate rigs are a fantastic addition to any collection. These glass pieces have a diffuser and sport a bent neck for ease of use as well as a bell-shaped body to ensure a sturdy base and easy handling! This piece comes with a 14mm nail and dome for your concentrates. Each Inkwell rig comes in your choice of green, white, black, yellow, or blue, and showcase the iconic Hippie Butler bow tie on the front. This glass piece has an 14mm male joint that will fit 14mm female accessories and replacements.