10 wunderschöne, vorgestanzte 3-D Ostermotive mit Goldprägung und Glimmerlack-Veredelung, ca. 6 bis 8 cm.
1 Bogen (21 cm x 30 cm) mit 21 3-D Sticker-Bordüren, jeweils ca. 28,5 cm lang, in 3 verschiedenen Breiten (7 mm, 5 mm und 3 mm), blau.
Infatrini Pack 500mlInfatrini is a Food for Special Medical Purposes for use under medical supervision. Infatrini is a nutritionally complete, energy dense, ready to use feed for the dietary management of infants (from birth up to 18 months or 8kg in body weight) with faltering growth, or who have increased nutritional requirements and/or require fluid restriction. Infatrini is suitable as a sole source of nutrition and contains prebiotics, nucleotides and a unique fat blend that contains LCPs.Not for intravenous use. Not suitable for infants with galactosaemia, lactose intolerance and/or cows' milk protein allergy.
Farbiges Wachsornament Elite-Rosen 3, ca. 7 cm, geprägt.
10 edle Grußkarten in Glitzer-Leinen-Optik ( ca. 260 g/m²), ca. 11 cm x 11 cm, 5 Farben (2 x gold, 2 x rot, 2 x hellgrün, 2 x grün, 2 x blau), inklusive passende, weiße Umschläge (ca. 120 g/m²).
50 kleine Satin-Schleifen, Band ca. 7 mm breit, insgesamt ca. 3,5 cm, orange.