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After a comfortable air conditioned tour where you will learn about the history of Mont Roig, you will be taken to a local stables. From here you can continue to explore the countryside on horseback on a relaxing ride with helmets provided. Then you will be driven back to your hotel and you will be given a gift of a bottle of wine after an interesting and fun 3 totally private tour.
Calypso Star Charters is fully licensed by the Department of Environment and Water. They are also privileged to be the only one-day shark cage diving operator who is permitted to use natural fish berley to attract the Great White Sharks to our boat at the Neptune Islands Marine Park. Being permitted to berley provides you with the best possible chance of a shark sighting and productive interaction close to the vessel and cage resulting in a memorable encounter and wonderful photographic opportunities. They only use locally sourced, natural fish product to attract the sharks, our tethered baits are attached by natural fibre twine. The use of synthetic decoys is not permitted in South Australia. The practices are conducted with the utmost respect to the welfare of sharks Along with this license, they are proud to be Advanced Eco Certified and the Captains’ are Eco Certified Guides. Receiving this certification provides us with the recognition that we conduct the operations in a way that are environmentally conscious and sustainable whilst also providing an educational component. No minimum passenger numbers. If you're the only person booked they will still go! More departures than any operator. They operate on every available Activity Day. The vessel, Calypso Star 2 is fitted with a gyroscopic active stabiliser, which has reduced the rolling motion of the vessel by up to 80%. If you are susceptible to seasickness do not compromise with a non-stabilised vessel. Largest vessel means fewer cancellations due to bad weather. The trip out can be rough but the Neptune Islands give us good shelter from the waves. The vessel can accommodate up to 45 guests across 2 decks with ample seating in air-conditioned comfort. 2 hot showers are also provided onboard. Actively support SARDI, CSIRO and Flinders University in their ongoing research into the Great White Sharks and their movement patterns around Neptune Islands. They provide logistical support and positions on board the vessel for researchers to conduct observations and tagging. 100% Safety record. With over 25 years experience you are in good hands.
date d'inscription:09/27/2020
Eine Tour, die Sie auf den Spuren Mozarts durch das malerische Voralpenland nach Salzburg, durch das Salzkammergut an den Wolfgangsee und zum Mondsee führt. Nach einer Fahrt durch das Voralpenland und vorbei am Chiemsee erreichen wir die Salzburg. Zur Erkundung der Geburtsstadt von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (* 1756) und seinem historischen Stadtkern, der zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe zählt, haben Sie 2,5 Stunden. Nächstes Ziel ist dann der Wolfgangsee. Wer möchte kann hier ein Boot nach St. Wolfgang nehmen und für einen Moment in die berühmten Filmkulisse („Weißes Rössel“) schlüpfen. Zudem bietet sich ein Besuch der Wallfahrtskirche an. Auf der Rückfahrt erwartet Sie eine weitere Filmkulisse: der Mondsee der „Trapp-Familie“. Highlights: Salzburg Mozart, Weißes Rössl und Salzkammergut Wolfgangsee Dauer: 11 Stunden Reisepass oder Personalausweis bzw. Visum für Österreich erforderlich! Eintritte sind nicht im Ticketpreis enthalten. Nebenkosten: Schiff € 13,- (nur im Sommer)
¿No le gusta compartir? Reserve un bote solo para su familia y amigos para realizar un tour personalizado, teniendo en cuenta sus intereses. Durante el tour recorrerá 1700 hectáreas de pantanos protegidos, ciénagas y ríos que conforman los Everglades de Florida. Podrá observar detenidamente cocodrilos, águilas, aves y los árboles y plantas que caracterizan este fabuloso humedal. En el Parque Gator and Wildlife hay unos 200 animales en exhibición, incluyendo cebras, perezosos, lémures, linces y otras especies exóticas. Disponible sin cita previa la visita del aviario con patos, loros y otras aves de todo el mundo. Los hidrodeslizadores utilizados durante este tour están diseñados especialmente para no dañar esta reserva ecológica, están aprobados por la Guardia Costera de los Estados Unidos. La seguridad es uno de los principales puntos a tener en cuenta, por eso en los hidrodeslizadores proporcionan a los clientes chalecos salvavidas y protección auditiva. ¡No olvides la deliciosa barbacoa con costillas ahumadas, pollo cerdo desmenuzado, cocodrilo frito e incluso patas de rana!