Duftende Noten von tropischen Früchten und von grünen Äpfeln. Am Gaumen knackig und frisch, mit langem, fruchtigem Nachhall. The Fishwives Club Sauvignon Blanc aus der Stellenbosch-Region in Südafrika ist ein wunderbarer Wein. Es lohnt sich, ihn zu...
Der Name dieses Spumante nimmt das herrlich prickelnde Geschmackserlebnis schon vorneweg. Der Mille Bolle zu deutsch tausend Blasen zeigt eine schöne Perlage sowie ein herrlich intensives und fruchtiges Bouquet von Äpfeln und Pfirsichen. Der Geschmack ist angenehm sanft und wunderbar ausgewogen. Passt zu: Gemüserisotto, Pasta und Fischgerichte.
Say hello to the new Hellvape Drop Dead RDA! Inheriting from Dead Rabbit RDA, the Drop Dead RDA is a new flavor chasing RDA with 24mm diameter and colorful resin drip tip. With an innovative proven build deck for single coil or dual coils building, you can easily DROP your coils in and trim coil legs after installation. What's more, the Drop Dead RDA adopts an intelligent high side downward sloping airflow with 14 side airflow holes to maximize flavor, minimize leaking and bring you an extremely smooth and tasty vaping experience. Together with deep juice well, internal barrel lock, 810/ 510 drip tips, and an extra BF squonk pin, the Hellvape Drop Dead RDA is absolutely a simple yet excellent tank! No hesitation, just get the Drop Dead RDA home. It will never let you down! 24mm Flavor chasing RDA with sophisticated design Innovative proven build deck for easy coil installation Intelligent high side downward sloping airflow Dual Side Airflow Control - Multi-Slots Design Precise 14 side airflow holes with smart airflow design Support single or dual coil building Knurled top cap and internal barrel lock for easy removal 810 drip tips and 510 drip tip adapter included Available for standard pin and BF pin Brand: Hellvape Model Drop Dead RDA Diameter 24mm Size 37 x 24mm
Horizon Falcon King Tank is an updated version of Falcon series which is constructed by high-quality Stainless Steel and colorful Resin material. Features large 6ml e-juice capacity, enough to meet your vaping demands and compatible with new coils of M-Dual 0.38ohm mech coil and M1+ 0.16ohm mesh coil. Both of them are made of bamboo fiber, which produces better flavor and has a longer lifespan. What's more, it's compatible with all Falcon coils, plus the new filling design, simple to operate. Moreover, airflow enters the Falcon King Tank via adjustable bottom and can be fully closed, which will bring you big cloud and satisfy your daily vaping. Update version of Falcon series, made of high-quality SS and Resin 6ml large capacity meets your vaping need New mesh coils are made of Bamboo Fiber, better flavor, and long lifespan All of Falcon coils are compatible with it New refilling mechanism: click to open or close Resin drip tip makes the tank more elegant Material: SS+Resin Capacity: 6ml(Bulb Glass Tube), 4ml(Normal Glass Tube) Glass tube diameter: 26.2mm Refill: Top-refill Connection: 510 thread Brand: Horizon Model Falcon King Tank Capacity 6ML/4ML Size 59.5 x 25.4mm
Odeur acre, saveur chaude, brulante, piquante. Conseils d utilisation : Riz, farces, charcuterie, beurres composes, sauces, entremets. Tres employe dans les sauces blanches et dans les sauces emulsionnees, a cause de sa bonne solubilite. Marque : Cook Certifie AB
Helles Goldgelb. In der Nase geben sich grüne Äpfel, Reneclauden und erdig-mineralische Noten ein Stelldichein. Gewürzt mit ein wenig Honig und Akazie, verführt er am Gaumen mit einzigartiger Mineralität und zitrischen Noten, eingebunden in saftiger Fülle. Animierend und komplex, ausbalanciert, straff und dicht zugleich. Passt zu: Huhn in Estragonsauce, Spargel mit Buttersaucen, Weichkäse.