The Faithfull Garden Spray Kit is the ideal watering accessory starter kit for making the best use of a garden hose. The spray gun delivers 9 patterns - cone, fan, flat, angle, jet, mist, soaker, shower and quad, by turning the front facing selector nozzle to one of nine positions. The gun features a zinc alloy body, comfort grip handle and a brass male connector. The kit contains the necessary fittings for attaching a hose to an outside tap with a 1/2in or 3/4in diameter, plus all the necessary adaptors for connecting both the hose and the gun to the water supply. The handy hose mender doubles as an extender for connecting two lengths of hose to create a longer run. Kit Contains:• Eight pattern Spray gun • Female Hose Connector• Female Water Stop Connector • Hose Mender• Dual Tap Connector Can be used with all 1/2in hoses
There are many different makes and models of cage trap. This easy to set STV076 is a robust spring loaded metal cage trap into which the squirrel enters, lured in by food. And is ideal for indoor and outdoor use. Near the back of the cage is a trip pan, so when the squirrel steps on the pan, it triggers the trap door shut, and the animal is trapped inside, alive. Some other traps are made from different materials, such as solid-walled plastic or other materials. STV076 is made from steel bars. This STV cage trap is large enough to hold the squirrel, and most squirrel-size cage traps are at least 16-inches long and 5-inches high and wide. If its too small, the animal wont fit inside, or may trigger the trip pan, but not allow clearance for the door to shut all the way aiding the squirrels escape. If its too large, the squirrel may run around and smash itself against the cage walls and hurt itself. 44 x 19 x 19cm (17 x 7 1/2 x 7 1/2in)
The Hozelock 2690 Jet Plus Spray Gun has a powder coated die cast metal body for increased durability and a comfortable, soft touch ergonomic handle. It also features a lockable on/off trigger that controls water flow. Two spray patterns: Powerful Jet for cleaning and Cone for covering wide areas fast that is gentle enough to protect delicate and new flowers. Comes with a two year guarantee.