Version de bougie de préchauffage: Bougie de préchauffage métallique; Voltage [V]: 11,0; Ampérage: 3,5; Résistance [ohm]: 1,4; Longueur globale: 180,1; Profondeur de position [mm]: 20,8; Filetage: M10 x 1,25; Couple de serrage [Nm]: 17; Ouverture de la clé: 12 mm; Type de raccord: M4 / 0,8-1,5 Nm; Gamme de produits: D-Power; numéro TECDOC du moteur: 17650; NISSAN: X-TRAIL T30,NAVARA D40,PATHFINDER R51,PICK UP D22,ALMERA TINO V10,ALMERA II Hatchback N16,NAVARA D22,PRIMERA Hatchback P12,PRIMERA P12,NAVARA Caja/Chasis D40,PRIMERA Ranchera familiar WP12,ALMERA Mk II N16,CABSTAR E Pick-up US,NP300; 110652TB0A, 11065AD200, 11065AD201, 11065AD220, 110652TB0A, 11065AD200, 11065AD201, 11065AD220; Bougie De Chauffe
Mory Max.600V DC crête AC x1 x10 60 MHz 10MΩ Oscilloscope Clip sonde avec accessoires
Features: 50 Watts x 4 Max Power; Multi-Color Illumination Options. Bass/Treble/Balance/Fader Controls and Preset Built-in EQ. Plays DVD/CD/MP3/WMA/USB/SD and Smartphones. Inputs: USB, SD, Aux, AV, Rear Camera, Steering Wheel Control. Wireless Audio Streaming and Hands-free Calling.
MaxiScan KW808 OBDII EOBD scanner car code reader tester diagnostic
Features: Fits all USA and Canada License Plates. Frames are protected against weather changes and will stand car washes and rain. Protect your car from sun and weather condition. It gives your car the best stylish appearance. Universal easy installation.
Côté d'assemblage: Bobine d'allumage au distributeur; Année jusqu'à: 02/1980; FIAT: TIPO 160,127,TEMPRA 159,TEMPRA S.W. 159,127 Panorama; RENAULT: 30 127_; SUBARU: LIBERO Autobús E10, E12; VOLVO: 240 Kombi P245,240 P242, P244; OPEL: CORSA A Fastback 93_, 94_, 98_, 99_,CORSA A TR 91_, 92_, 96_, 97_,MANTA B 58_, 59_,KADETT E Fastback 33_, 34_, 43_, 44_,KADETT E 39_, 49_,KADETT E Descapotable 43B_,ASCONA B 81_, 86_, 87_, 88_,KADETT D 31_-34_, 41_-44_,CORSA A Furgón,SENATOR A 29_,KADETT E Ranchera familiar 35_, 36_, 45_, 46_,KADETT D 32_,37_,39, _42,COMMODORE B Coupé,KADETT D Ranchera familiar 35_, 36_, 45_, 46_,COMMODORE B,COMMODORE C 14_, 19_,KADETT E Furgón 37_, 47_,COMMODORE C Ranchera familiar 61; PEUGEOT: 205 I 741A/C,309 I 10C, 10A; FORD: GRANADA Coupé GGCL,GRANADA Break GGNL,GRANADA GGTL, GGFL; MAZDA: 626 III Hatchback GD,626 III GD,626 III Coupé GD,626 III Station Wagon GV; SUZUKI: CARRY Furgón ST90V; LADA: NIVA 2121; MD112209, 1282408, 90102029, 90119482, 90102029, 90119482; Fil De Bougie,Câble d'Allumage