condition:brand new and 100% dimension:40mm*3mm(1.57"*0.12") design:double sides packing detail:1 pc with acrylic cover usage:souvenir collection&souvenir art&collectible business gift reminders: this is a replica copy of the original and has no monetary value this is sold only to make your collection better. we assume no responsibility for authentic representation. we will not be liable for any reproductions representation may cause. this is a replica item.
Credit guarantee that all pictures in-kind shooting, please rest assured to buy. As the shooting light, angle and color displays, physical and photos maybe some differences! Kind prevail.
PAPSTAR Teelichter Maxi, Durchmesser: 57 mm, weiß Höhe: 26 mm, Brenndauer: ca. 8 Stunden, in transparenter - 1 Stück (85203)
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Crystal Acrylic Mirror Circle Wall Stickers Living Room Decoration
10 Relief-Bienen aus Steinharz, 1 Design, jeweils ca. 3 x 2 cm.