Mit hochwertiger Edelstahlfeder. Patronenfüllsystem für alle Standardpatronen und Großraumtintenpatronen. Das große Tintensichtfenster bietet optimale Kontrolle des Tintenstandes. Trendiges Design durch hochglänzende Oberfläche. Neue Soft-Griffzone für ermüdungsfreies Schreiben. Made in Germany. Hauptmerkmale Merkmale Produktfarbe Rot Tintenfüllsystem Kartuschenfüllsystem Clip Nein Federmaterial Edelstahl Weicher Haltegriff Ja Handausrichtung Linkshändig Ursprungsland Deutschland Gewicht und Abmessungen Verpackungsart Box Lieferumfang Menge pro Packung 1 Stück(e)
Beschreibung Pelikan Tintenlöscher Super Sheriff 258M, Blisterkarte Keilspitze, zwei Spitzen - löschen & korrigieren löscht königsblaue Tinte, Korrekturspitze zum Überschreiben gepackt zu 2 Stück (921759)
Das Original von MAUL. Ein echter Klassiker, unverwechselbar in Design und Funktion Made in Germany Elegant: Mit hochglanzpoliertem Facetterand, Oberfläche leicht erodiert Hält sicher: Spezialkleber sorgt für starken Halt des Magnetkerns im Gehäuse Unterseite der Ferrit-Magnete zum Schutz der magnethaftenden Oberfläche lackiert Ideal: Im Büro oder für repräsentative Zwecke Stabil: Gehäuse aus bruchsicherem Kunststoff Schadstoffarm gefertigt am Standort Deutschland Vielfältig: Viele Farben, Formen und Größen zur Auswahl Farbig sortiert (99) bestehend aus: je 3 x weiß, gelb, rot, blau, grau, schwarz und 2 x grün 20 Stück pro Packung auf praktischer Blechtafel mit Eurolochung zum Aufhängen Ferrotafeln mit Eurolochung, Magnete gehen nicht verloren
A4 Lockable Filing Cabinet with 3 Drawers- Red This A4 filing cabinet would make a stylish addition to any office, home office or study. Make a statement with a bright, eye-catching cabinet, or choose the colour to best suit your personal needs from the wide shade selection. This metal cabinet is suitable for A4 files. The drawer capacity of this Silverline model is 40kg per drawer with 100% drawer extension, and the anti-tilt mechanism prevents the cabinet from tipping when the top drawer is open. This cabinet is fully lockable. Please note: This filing cabinet is suitable for A4 files. Please check that this is the size you need, as a foolscap option is available in this line. This is a made to order item and has a delivery time of 15-21 working days We are happy to provide colour samples if you are unsure. Please do not hesitate to ask, as this is a non-returnable item. (images are for information purposes only) fully assembled to assure the highest standard of durability drawer handles are light grey on all cabinets except the coffee and cream option
Diamond Grind offers you a premium grinder to enjoy your favorite legal smoking herbs with so that your smoking experience is smoother and easier to enjoy! Every Diamond Grind is milled from a high-quality block of 6061 aircraft grade aluminum and resists wear, tear, and threading. Featuring diamond-shaped toothing and an easy to use design with plenty of room for your herbs, these 4-piece grinders can cut your things to perfection with ease. Every Diamond Grind comes with a manufacturers lifetime warranty, so you can rest easy knowing that you can always have a premium grinder nearby that will make your smokes that much better!
Silverline Tambour Door Storage Cupboard 803mm Wide- 2000mm High - Goose Grey The Silverline tambour cupboard is ideal for the office, home office or study and provides versatile storage in a variety of colours for you to choose from. In order to optimise storage and allow the customer to personalise to their own needs, this tambour cupboard is supplied empty with a wide variety of shelving and storage solutions available for purchase. This Silverline storage cupboard is a made to order item which is available in a number of colour combinations. Both the body of the cupboard and the tambour door are available in customisable colours to suit your office colours or interiors. (See below for swatches of tambour door colours) If you are in any doubt, please don’t hesitate to contact us via telephone or email to request colour samples. We will be happy to help. Images are for information purposes only. To ensure a high standard of stability and durability, these tambour cupboards are supplied fully assembled. Our expert distribution team will contact you directly to arrange suitable delivery.