Silverline Satin White Tambour Door Storage Cupboard 1651mm High The Silverline tambour cupboard is ideal for the office, home office or study and provides versatile storage in three different width options; 803mm, 1003mm and 1203mm; and a variety of colours for you to choose from. Designed to be both stylish and practical, this tambour cupboard is customisable with a number of shelving and storage solutions. Please note, the cupboard is supplied empty to allow the customer to personalise in a way that best suits their own needs. This Silverline storage cupboard is a made to order item, which is available is a wide range of colour combinations. Both the cabinet and the tambour door are available is a range of customisable colours, making this a stylish addition to any office. If you are in any doubt please call or email to request colour samples. We will be happy to help. Images above are for information purposes only. To ensure a high standard of durability and stability, these tambour door cupboards will be supplied to you fully assembled. Our expert distribution team will contact you directly to arrange delivery.
NEW Phoenix Fire Commander FS1911F Fire and Security Safe with Fingerprint Lock The Fire Commander safe offers fire and security protection for your valuables, cash, paper documents and digital media. This Phoenix safe is fitted with an advanced high security biometric fingerprint lock with a clear LED display. Can be programmed with up to 128 fingerprints. The FS1911F provides 120 minutes fire protection for paper documents, and 60 minutes for digital media. This fire safe is drop tested from 9.1 metres to survive impact of falling through floors, and is recommended for secure storage of up to £2500 cash or £25,000 worth of valuables. Supplied with two height adjustable shelves including hanging rails for lateral filing. The FSDPI03 data protection insert can be purchased alongside this safe to provide additional fire protection for your valuable data. Suitable for storage of: 18 lever arch folders 12 foolscap lever arch folders 12 foolscap box files This Phoenix Fire Commander FS1910 range has replaced the now discontinued FS1900 range
Befestigen ohne zu beschädigen Hält stark und sicher Spurlos ablösbar Einfach zu befestigen und zu entfernen Funktioniert auf den meisten Oberflächen Mit Command Poster Strips wird das Dekorieren schnell und einfach gemacht. Sie sind ideal zum Aufhängen von Postern, Stundenplänen, Kalendern und Bildern ohne Rahmen oder lassen sich anstatt eines doppelseitigen Montagebandes verwenden. Die praktischen Posterstreifen halten sicher auf Holz, Fliesen, Metall oder gestrichenen Wänden und lassen sich spurlos ablösen, ohne Löcher, Beschädigungen oder Kleberückstände zu hinterlassen. Hauptmerkmale Technische Details Produktfarbe Weiß Höchstgewicht (Kapazität) 0,4 kg Materialien Schaum
Assembled on site at No Extra Charge this 1200mm office desk in a choice of Oak or Beech finishes is a great choice for the busy office Personalise your desk with a choice of drawer options including silver or graphite handles
Beschreibung UHU Alleskleber flinke flasche, Nachfüllkanister, 1.750 g (46380)