1. No tar or other carcinogenic substances. 2. Harmless to others or the environment. 3. No danger of second-hand smoking. 4. Can smoke in a public place
Suresign Midstream Pregnancy TestSuresign Pregnancy Test is a quick and easy way to find out if you are pregnant, using a urine sample to detect for the presence of human Chronic Gonadotropin (hCG). hCG is produced 48 to 72 hours after conception and can normally be detected seven days following conception. Results are given using coloured lines.Suresign Pregnancy Test can be used as early as 4 days before your period is due and is 99% accurate when used one day after the period is due.Full instructions included.Higher Sensitivity than competitors; detects 15mIU/mL of hGC allowing for detection as early as four days before the period is due*Four windows to allow for increased absorbance.Tested to the highest standard; 99% accurate when used one day after the period is due.Results in 3 minutes.* When used four days before the period is due, the test is approximately 90% accurate for women with a regular cycle.
Ballaststoff - Superfood Der Ballaststoff Mix BIO von Purasana ist reich an Ballaststoffen aus Gerstengraspulver, Weizengras, Kakaopulver und Lucuma. Gerstengraspulver: Reich an Ballaststoffen und Chlorophyll Weizengras: Reich an Ballaststoffen und Folsäure Kakaopulver: Reich an Ballaststoffen Lucuma: Reich an Ballaststoffen, perfekte Alternative zu Süßstoffen 100 % Bio-Pulver reich an essentiellen Nährstoffen reich an sekundären Pflanzenstoffen reich an Kalium, Calcium, Phosphor und Eisen Frei von Pestiziden, Chemikalien, Füll-, Farb- und Aromastoffen Verzehrempfehlung: 3 Teelöffel in 300 ml Saft, Milch oder Smoothie einrühren Nährwerte pro 100 g Brennwert 288 kcal Fett 4 g davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 2,09 g davon einfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren 1,06 g davon mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren 0,844 g Kohlenhydrate 23,5 g davon Zucker 11 g Ballaststoffe 45,1 g Eiweiß 17 g Salz 0,24 g Inhaltsstoffe pro 100 g Vitamin B1 0,28 mg Folsäure 480 mcg Vitamin B5 1,2 mg Kalium 2770 mg Calcium 335 mg Phosphor 180,2 mg Magnesium 94 mg Eisen 13,38 mg Kupfer 0,82 g Theobromin 0,48 g Zutaten: Gerstengras*, Weizengras*, Kakao*, Lucuma* *aus biologischem Anbau
Credit guarantee, all pictures are taken in kind, please rest assured to buy. With the display of shooting light, angle and color, the actual object and the photo may be different! Subject to the actual product. If you need other products, please chat with me privately and I will purchase for you.
Garcinia Cambogia Puro es un suplemento a base unicamente de Garcinia Cambogia para ayudar al control de peso y mantener una figura sana - Ahorra 10%
Two internal pocketsMobile phone pocket and pen holder on sleeveConforms to EN ISO 471 class 3 and EN ISO 343 class 3Up to 30° wash200gsm PU coated polyester