Les pastilles miel de Manuka et jus de citron sont efficaces dès la première prise pour adoucir la gorge grâce à l'alliance du citron et du miel !
The Long Neck Concentrate Globe by Ooze is the perfect glass globe for vaping your favorite concentrates!
15ml Bottle of Solace Vapor Salts Peppermint Patty Eliquid!
Die Kellerei Castellana bewirtschaftet einen Weinberg namens Cantarranas, von dem die Trauben für diesen erfrischenden Wein stammen. Seine Zitrusnoten werden von Holundernoten und tropischen Früchten begleitet. Er hat eine spritzige Säure, ist...
Eshish 500 Electronic Shisha Cigarette - Blueberry FlavourShisha is becoming increasing popular, however smoking shisha pipes can be harmful to your health - the World Health Organisation has warned that a one hour shisha session can be as harmful as smoking 100 cigarettes.Eshish uses state of the art technology to imitate the sensation of smoking a shisha pipe, but without the tobacco, nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide and other harmful toxins, using a steam-like vapour to provide satisfaction without the dangerous side-effects. Not only is Eshish 99% safer than standard shisha or cigarettes, it is legal to smoke indoors too!Eshish is the world's first portable electronic shisha smoking device, using the style of a cigarette for portability and easy of use. With its authentic shisha flavours and eye catching design, Eshish is like no other alternative smoking device. Eshish 500 Blueberry Flavour contains up to 500 puffs.No tobacco.No nicotine.No tar.No carbon monoxide.Sleek new design.White crystal tip.Authentic shisha flavours.Smoke anywhere.Up to 500 puffs per stick.
Das Weingut Ökonomierat Rebholz gilt als Pionier hinsichtlich Qualitätsweinbau in der Pfalz. Seit Generationen entstehen hier exklusive und immer wieder spannende Weine. Der Ökonomierat Rebholz Riesling vom Buntsandstein QbA trocken ist als reiner...