Einige der beliebtesten Sehenswürdigkeiten entlang der Route: Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum Times Square / Broadway Hudson River Park National Museum of the American Indian Museum of Jewish Heritage Financial District /Wall Street South Street Seaport DUMBO Brooklyn Bridge Park ...und viel, viel mehr! Tagesticket Haltestellen: Pier 11, Slip A Pier 1 - Brooklyn Bridge Park, DUMBO Battery Park, Slip 6 Christopher Street, Pier 45 Pier 79, West 39th Street *bis auf weiteres kein Halt / Einstieg am Pier 84
Sac mobile Extra Large avec fermetures à glissière et poignées de transport sac de rangement Oxford robuste sac réutilisable pliable pour livres couette jouets dortoir collège déménagement Camping randonnée
The perfect romantic setting for a fairytale castle break
Our tour begins with a coach drive direct to the dark side of London. The Theatre Drury Lane, said to be the most haunted theatre in London, your guide will tell you why! We see The Old Bailey - the site of numerous public hangings, drive along Fleet Street, home of Sweeny Todd - the demon barber of Fleet Street - and his accomplice, Mrs Lovatt, who was said to have baked pies from the flesh of his victims, selling them to unsuspecting customers. As the shadows lengthen, we approach London's East End, a hotbed of crime and vice in the 19th century. During the autumn of 1888, terror struck when Jack the Ripper came out of the fog and dimly lit alleys just long enough to stalk and butcher his five victims. We leave the coach and walk his death trail inspecting the murder sites, deciphering the evidence and discussing the suspects. We will see the 10 Bells Pub, built in 1752 where many of Jack the Ripper's victims were said to have drunk. To this day the case remains unsolved. This is a combination coach/walking tour and will finish at a traditional pub.
Memories to treasure. Explore the very best of the island with an around ther perimeter tour. First we head up to the West Coast, to the very top of the island, to Los Gigantes, the giant cliffs. here you have magnificent cliff views and here we will stop to give you the opportunity to take some treasued photos.Next we visit Icod de Los Vinos, home of the mysterious Drago Tree, the largest and longest known of its kind in the world. La Oratava, is a city of great architectural beauty, is the next port of call where the guide will recommend a restauarant that you may wish to have lunch in. This is optional and not included in the price. If you don´t wish to use the restaurant you will have free time and you can enjoy a picnic or sandwiches that you have brought from the hotel. You will end the cultural tour around the island with a stop at the Ocean side Basilicain Candelaria, the Patron Saint capital of the Canaries and the famous statue of the Black Madonna. Here, in this famous sqare you will also see the statues of the Gauch Menseyes (Kings), the first inhabitants of the Canaries. With lots of photo stops, this is a perfect way to see the island..