Der Wein hat eine lachs-rote Farbe.In der Nase frische Aromen, rote Früchte, Pfirsich Noten und Kirschen.Am Gaumen leicht süß, jung und frisch, natürliche Früchte von Malbec.Passt gut zu Meeresfrüchten, Fisch, asiatischer Küche und Desserts.
The THC Thunder Storm Kit is latest Squonker Kit with unique luxury finishing, compatible with single 18650/20700/21700 battery and provides an extremely powerful output performance. Constructed by aluminum alloy and stainless steel, With built-in 8ml squeeze bottle, it allows you to enjoy great squonking experience without refilling frequently. Besides, the mod comes with a lockable mechanism to guarantee safety, while brings you an avant-garde vape experience. Provide an Extreme Powerful Output performance Temperature range at 100-300
IJOY always brings surprise to its customers! Allow us introduce the latest IJOY Avenger 270 234W TC Kit to you! The Kit consists of an Avenger 270 Box MOD and an Avenger Tank. The Avenger 270 adopts innovative Voice Control System, making the operation more easier than before. You can simply adjust the wattage or working mode by an interactive talk to you Avenger 270. Designed for cloud chasers, Innovative voice control system Compatible with both 18650/20700 batteries Adjustable RBG LED button light No overhang with 30mm tanks 3.2ml/4.7ml Large Juice Capacity All-new Pre-made Mesh Coil Convenient Top Filling Design Adjustable Bottom Airflow Control 810 Wide Bore Drip Tip USB port charging support Firmware Upgradeable Brand: IJOY Voice Control System English Max Wattage 234W Output Mode VW/VT(Ni/Ti/SS)/TCR Mode Resistance Range 0.05 - 3.0ohm Battery Type 2 x 20700 or 2 x 18650 Battery (Sold Separately) Tank Capacity 4.7ml(with a 3.2ml bubble glass tube) Coil Type X3-C1S 0.35ohm(40-80W Pre-installed) / X3-Mesh 0.15ohm (40-90W)
Decouvrez un assortiment de poivres bio selectionnes avec soin pour leur richesse aromatique et leur saveur unique : poivre vert, poivre noir et poivre blanc. Matiere du Moulin: Verre et PP recyclable Composition: Poivre vert (33%), poivre blanc (33%) et poivre noir (33%) issus de l agriculture biologique Conditions de conservation: A conserver a l abri de l humidite Certifie ECOCERT
Leicht schäumender, lieblicher Perlwein. Besonders im Sommer herrlich erfrischend mit fruchtigen Erdbeer-Himbeer-Noten.
Im Duft die Früchte des Sommers nach Erdbeeren, Himbeeren und Süsskirschen. Pikante Fruchtreife mit einem feinwürzigen Nachhall. Sehr erfrischend, der ideale Sommer- Partywein, sowohl zum Aperitif wie auch als Essensbegleiter. Passt zu: Pasta, Salaten, Fisch und Vorspeisen.