Eleganter Wein mit klaren fruchtigen und floralen Aromen, die an Pfirsich und weisse Blüten erinnern. Passt zu: gebratenem Huhn, Kalbsgeschnetzeltes, Meeresfrüchte und Fisch.
Fruchtige Aromen, sehr einnehmend auf der Zunge und im Duft, ein Potpourri von Pfirsich, reifer Banane und Äpfeln, filigran und leicht. Passt zu: rohem Fisch wie Sashimi oder zu grünem Curry mit Garnelen.
The Hato K One by Soomook is a high end regulated device that is powered by the impressive ST chipset. The body is constructed from premium zinc alloy and clearly displays all pertinent vaping data in a crisp, 0.96" TFT IPS HD screen. The K-One offers different firing types such as soft, standard, flavor, and powerful and offers full temperature control functionality with support for the following wire types: SS316L, Ni200 Nickel, and Titanium. Temperature can be controlled with a range of 200¡ãF - 600¡ãF with its advanced ST chipset. The ST chip is capacity of downloading firmware updates to make sure that your device is always up to date. This impressively powerful chip offers a maximum power output of 238 watts. This chipset also offers on board protections such as over voltage, low voltage, high temperature, low resistance, short circuit, and reverse polarity. Zinc alloy with ceramic baking material TFT ips 0.96in HD screen Advanced ST chipset and can be upgraded Visual operating system Charing via USV and visual battery level TC Range at 200'F-600'F / 100'C-315'C Houses 2 x 18650 Battery (sold separately) Miltiple Protection: - Low voltage and resistance protection - High input voltage warning; - Temperature overheat protection; - Output short circuit - Reverse battery protection 510 threading connection Firmware upgradeable Brand Soomook Model Hato K-One Output power 5w-238w Taste Mode Powerful, soft, flavor, standard Standard resistance 0.1ohm - 5ohm TC mode resistance 0.1ohm - 1.3ohm TC mode SS316L/ Ni200/ Ti Output voltage 0.5v - 9.0v Size 91 x 45 x 32mm
Mombasa Club Colonel's Reserve Gin 4erSteckbriefRubrik:Spirituose GinUrsprungsland:United KingdomNettofüllmenge:0,7 LiterAlkoholgehalt43,5% vol.Zusatzstoffe:Loskennzeichnung:jaName und Adresse des Herstellers / Importeurs:Unesdi Distribuciones S.A., Aurora , 11. 2º-9ºES-11500 El Puerto de Santa Maria , CadizJahrgang:Rebsorte:Anbauregion:London Dry GinSäure ca. g/lRestzucker ca.: g/lTrinktemperatur:8-10 °CVerschluss:NaturkorkWarnhinweise:Abgabe nicht an Jugendliche unter 18 JahrenNicht für schwangere oder stillende Frauen empfohlen
Mit seiner milden Frische und seinem würzig-blumigen Bouquet macht der Sacchetto Pinot Grigio Venezia Giulia IGT Lust auf mehr. Dieser Weißwein aus der Region Venetien ist ein sortenreiner Pinot Grigio aus dem Hause Sacchetto. Er erweist sich als...
Resistance: 1.4ohm, Weight: 20.4 G,Size: 12.5X112.9MM All-In-One Disposable Device, B-Core Heating Technology Air Draw Activated Device with Pre-Heat Capability, conact me for vip price! we are from the facotry ,we have been specializing in e cig more than 10 years Our products have passed CE, ROHS. Every product from our factory is under strict quality controlled before delivery to customers..syi