STARPOWER Niedriger Temperatur Stirling Motor Motor Modell Steam Heat Experiment Pädagogisches Spielzeug Komplett Montiert
helit Lernkartei BeeBox, A8, Unterteil: limette-transluzent Deckel: transluzent-weiß, aus Polystyrol, Deckel sowohl (H6901059)
Introducing the Shorty Water Pipe! This compact and dapper glass piece packs a punch despite its size. Each bubbler is under 5" tall and is made of a high-quality glass. These glass pieces also feature a bent neck for ease and comfort when smoking and a large, sturdy base. Each one comes with our iconic Hippie Butler Bowtie logo on the front and a small unique colored diffusor inside. Dont miss out on these dashing and unique little rigs! Each order comes in your choice of a black, blue, yellow, white, or green accented glass rig. This glass piece has a 10mm Male joint that will fit 10mm Female accessories and replacements.
Sipeed Maix-1W RISC-V Dual Core 64bit AI Chip K210 Mit FPU WiFi AI Modul Core Board Entwicklungsboard Mini PC