This Suite 13 Bubble Base 10" Water Pipe is an elegant, straightforward piece. Sporting a colorful base and mouthpiece and the Suite 13 logo across the neck, this glass pipe will be a fantastic addition to your collection. The triple ice pinch allows ice to be added to the neck of the piece for even more cooling filtration. Included with this piece are a diffused downstem and matching flower bowl for that little extra flare. This glass piece has a 14mm Female joint that will fit 14mm Male accessories and replacements.
The Pit Bull 10" Bottle with Wheel Perc is a must have for any smoking connoisseurs ensemble. These lovely glass pieces filter your favorite legal smoking blends to the utmost quality so your legal blends draw smooth every time. Its named, of course, because of its unmistakable bottle shape, which provides the perfect housing for the wheel perc that creates a 360° shower of bubbles. This simple, yet beautiful glass piece comes with a matching bowl and accented mouthpiece, which completes its finished look. Our Butler recommends you add this phenomenal piece to your ever-growing collection today! This glass piece has a 14mm female joint that will fit 14mm male accessories and replacements.
Beschreibung Maped Lupe mit Griff, rund, Durchmesser: 50 mm 3-fache Vergrößerung, mit verzerrungsfreies Glas, mit ergonomisch geformtem Soft-Touch Griff, auf Blisterkarte, die Lieferung erfolgt sortiert mit schwarz/grauem und silber/grauem Kunststoffgriff - kein Farbwunsch möglich! (039100 3/M039100)