Entdecken Sie das PORClean FuSsspray, den idealen naturlichen Weg bei den Symptomen von FuSs- oder Nagelpilzes, einschlieSslich Juckreiz, Blasen & unangenehmen Geruchen. Kann auch die FuSse sauber, trocken & gesund halten. Hergestellt aus naturlichen Zutaten und enthalt weder Alkohol noch Chemikalien.
Aspiring to firm & tone the skin right under your eyes, Skin Doctors created an innovative serum in Instant Eyelift. Giving skin an instantly refreshing feel and an effect for up to eight hours, Instant Eyelift is simply dispensed from pump container. It includes no parabens.
?Malleable Aluminum? Excellent aluminum, easily adjusted to suit your fingers.
?Fit Thumb 4 Fingers?Elastic tape design, padded with foam for comfortable immobilization, suitable for both hand use and five fingers acceptable.
?Effective Splint Protection?Help to maintain phalangeal joints in correct position and support, prevent it from bending, catching. Prefect for trigger finger, mallet finger, finger fracture, knuckle sprain, tendonitis, post-operative healing and pain relief.
?S/M/L Size Selectable?2.2cm width, 3 different length to choose: 6.7cm(S); 9cm(M); 11cm(L).
StarWhite Lightening is ideal for addressing intimate regions, aiming to lighten & brighten with an innovative balanced formula. The Star White skin lightening cream was created with sensitivity considered, including nourishing Aloe Vera. All it requires is an easy & discreet twice daily application.
bull; Humeur : decouragement / desespoir bull; Numero fleur: 24 bull; Nom anglais: Pine bull; Emotions/desequilibre: culpabilite et sentiment d etre responsable des erreurs d autrui bull; Changement positif: acceptation et deculpabilisation Flacon compte goutte de 20ml en etui, ingredients 100% biologiques logos AB bio, controle Ecocert La qualite biologique de Biofloral Le Dr Bach a consacre les 10 dernieres annees de sa vie a l etude et la reconnaissance de 38 Elixirs Floraux, ainsi qu a leur methode de fabrication. Il a reconnu dans la nature les fleurs qui repondent favorablement aux emotions difficiles. Les Elixirs floraux sont elabores dans les montagnes d Auvergne en respectant rigoureusement la methode originale du Dr Bach. Les fleurs sauvages sont cueillies le matin au lever du soleil au moment ou leur potentiel est a son maximum. Sous l action des rayons du soleil et de l eau, la fleur libere ses qualites et les transmet a l element aquatique.
Skin Doctors T-Zone Control Cream is designed to help oily & combination skin, aiming to manage and absorb excess sebum. Skin Doctors T-Zone Control Cream strives to bring back your healthy, shine-free glow, using a light texture that gently soothes. It’s ideal for hot weather and throughout the year