Sattes Kirschrot mit guter Würze und Tanningerüst. Deutlich kraftvoller als der einfache Chianti. Trotzdem zugänglich, mittlerer Körper, eher frisch, fruchtig. Ideal als Begleiter zum Essen. Passt zu: tomatenfruchtigen Nudelgerichten, herzhaften Fleischgerichten und feinen Käseplatten.
Der verführerische, finessenreiche Franciacorta La Scala Brut von Bellavista betört durch einen intensiven, schmeichelnden Duft nach weissen Blüten, Zitrusfrüchten, Golden Delicious und warmen Hefegebäck. Am Gaumen besticht der edle Schaumwein durch ihre rassige Frische und einen langen Nachhall mit Noten von Aprikosen Gelee und Süssmandeln. Ein exzellenter Franciacorta. Passt zu: Edelfischen, Jakobsmuscheln oder Austern.
Smok Species Kit is the second generation of creature from the outer space. It features unique appearance like armor outline of the warriors and powerful vaping function. The Species mod is an angular mod with hard lines and the colored decorative strips covering on the front, classic cobra pattern on the back. 1.45¡± high-definition touch screen displays detailed data clearly, the upgraded user interface is easy to operate. Moreover, the screen has locking button ensures safety. The Species mod is powered by dual 18650 batteries and supports 1W-230W output range. It is perfect match with TFV8 Baby V2 tank. TFV8 Baby V2 tank compatibles with Baby V2 A1, A2, A3 coil. Each of them will bring you massive vapor and greater taste. The tank also uses antibacterial medical cotton which can reduce the amount of bacteria, it is the best replacement of former organic one. Stainless steel + Zinc alloy construction Newly designed 1.45" inch sensitive touch screen Brand-new user interface for detailed vaping data and fire-new interactive experiences Independent screen locking button ensures a safe operation TC range at 100-300¡ãC/200-600¨H Powered by 2 x 18650 (Sold Separately) Support multiple protections Powerful Baby V2 mesh coils for dense flavor and massive cloud 5ml tank capacity Easy top rotary refill design 510 threading connection Micro-USB charging port Firmware upgradable Brand: Smoktech Power range 1-230W Input voltage 6.4V-8.4V Output voltage 0.5V-8.2V Working Mode VW/TC Resistance range 0.1-2.5¦¸(VW mode)£»0.05-2¦¸(TC mode) Tank capacity 5ML Size 136 x 49 x 30.6mm
The Oni is back and in excess of anyone's imagination with the Oni 167W which is presently controlled by an Official Evolv DNA250 Chip. This chipset takes after its predecessors and takes into consideration full customization with its official Evolv DNA250 chip. The DNA 250 chip will provide the Oni 167W with all modifications and updates via Escribe software. The Oni Version DNA250 highlights an exceptionally one of a kind compatible battery type ability. The battery port casing that uses 2x 18650 batteries caps at 167 watts. The 18650 casing can be expelled and replaced with a LiPo battery pack. Changing to a LiPo pack lets the Oni to be boosted to 250 watts! T6061 Aluminium body 0.91" OLED screen Powered by an official DNA 250 chip Upgradeable Escribe Software Industrialized T6061 Aluminum Construction Temperature Limit 200¡ãF - 600¡ãF Powered by 2 x 18650 (not included) Full Body Customization Intuitive OLED Display Magnetized Battery Door Three-Button Operation Reverse Protection System 97% Output Efficiency Cell-by-Cell Monitoring Cell Balancer Atomizer Protection Low Resistance Protection Short Circuit Protection Overheat Protection Low Voltage Step Down Protection 510 Connection Brand: asMODus Wattage Output Range 1-250W Voltage Output Range 1-9V Min Kanthal Resistance 0.1ohm Min Temperature Resistance 0.08ohm Resistance range 0.1-2ohm(VW); 0.08-1ohm(TC) Size 90.5 x 54 x 27mm
Ein trockener, rassiger Moselriesling mit frischer Säure. Leicht minerlaisch und saftig im Abgang. Passt zu gebratenem Fisch und hellem Fleisch mit einer cremigen Sosse.
Ein hochwertiger Jahrgangs-Spumante, der durch die besonders lange Flaschenreife über eine herrliche Verbindung von Frische und Eleganz verfügt. Eine feine intensive Nase von Mandelblüten mit Noten von knusprigem Brot. Am Gaumen trocken und elegant, dabei weich und voll mit dem typischen Chardonnay-Finale.