12 Red Roses Bouquet A luxurious combination of 12 perfect Red roses and Foliage, carefully arranged Beautifully wrapped and tied with ribbon before being delivered.
Beschreibung MAUL Design Buchstütze, (B)120 x (T)130 x (H)142 mm, breit kratzfeste glatte Kanten, aus Metall - pulverbeschichtet Farbe: schwarz gepackt zu 2 Stück (35250-90)
Description: Made of safety non-toxic and skin friendly material.Core elastic line, good elasticity, continuous core. Comes with plastic roll, convenient for you to wrap the cord around it, keep the cord well organized. This elastic bands within the allowable stretch elastic deformation range can be easily restored to the original length without deformation. Convenience to Use: By scissors you can shorten the elastic band into the length you want.Strong elasticity and durable,easy to cut and