Para:PS4; Tipo de Accesorio:Adhesivo; Características:Novedad; Color:Multi Color; Material:PVC; Contenido del Paquete:1 Piel Cobertura
Das sinnliche KörpertrainingPure Lust an der Bewegung ist das Leitmotiv dieses sinnlichen Körpertrainings. Die faszinierende Kombination aus fließenden Bewegungen, Atemtechnik und dynamischen Jungle-Gym-Elementen löst körperliche und seelische Verspannungen.Aufbauend auf den neuesten Erkenntnissen der Körpertherapie und der Rückenschmerzforschung, steigert das vielseitige Programm das Wohlbefinden und die Rückenstärke. Es werden besonders die kleinen, im Inneren des Körpers liegenden Muskelfasern gekräftigt, vor allem rund ums Becken und im Beckenboden, zwischen den Rippen und um sämtliche Wirbel. Anschauliche Bewegungsbeispiele und lösende Atemsequenzen rufen verborgene Körperempfindungen wach. Wer mitmacht, merkt schon bald, wie gut das Training tut: Die Muskeln straffen sich, die Wirbelsäule richtet sich auf und die Augen strahlen.
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Call of Duty: Black Ops III combines three unique game modes: Campaign,
Multiplayer, and Zombies, providing fans with the deepest and most
ambitious Call of Duty ever. And this Gold Edition includes the full base
game, DLC 1 Awakening for Black Ops III, plus the Nuk3town Multiplayer Map.
Awakening features four Multiplayer maps and one Zombies map.
Multiplayer showcases Gauntlet, Splash, Rise, and Skyjacked, a reimagined
version of a fan-favorite Black Ops II Multiplayer Map Hijacked. Zombies
introduces Der Eisendrache, the first chapter of Call of Duty: Black Ops
III's Zombies DLC adventure that takes players on an epic journey with the
Origin characters Richtofen, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dempsey.
Treyarch elevates the Call of Duty social gaming experience by
delivering a campaign with the ability to play cooperatively with up to
four players online, using the same battle-tested network infrastructure
and social systems that support its world-class Multiplayer and Zombies
game modes.
With Black Ops 3, Treyarch premieres a new momentum-based
chained-movement system, allowing players to fluidly move through the
environment with finesse, using controlled thrust jumps, slides, and
mantling abilities in a multitude of combinations, all while maintaining
complete control over your weapon at all times. Maps are designed from the
ground-up for the new movement system, allowing players to be successful
with traditional movement, as well as advanced tactics and maneuvers.
Black Ops 3 multiplayer also introduces the new Specialist character
system, which allows players to rank up and master each specific
character's battle-hardened capabilities and weapons. With this addition
to Traditional and Weapons XP progressions systems, Black Ops 3
multiplayer gives players three different ways to rank up.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 deploys its players into a future where
bio-technology has enabled a new breed of Black Ops soldier. Players are
now always on and always connected to the intelligence grid and their
fellow operatives during battle. In a world more divided than ever, this
elite squad consists of men and women who have enhanced their combat
capabilities to fight faster, stronger, and smarter. Every soldier has to
make difficult decisions and visit dark places in this engaging, gritty
No Treyarch title would be complete without its signature Zombies
offering - a full-game experience with its own distinct storyline right
out of the box. Black Ops 3 Zombies is the most immersive and ambitious
Call of Duty Zombies to date, with a full XP-based progression system for
players that adds depth and re-playability to the engaging gameplay
Zombies fans have come to expect.
Box Contains
1 x Game Disc
PANDORA 6S 1399 in 1 Retro Arcade-Spielekonsole
Two super-sharp, backlit LCD screens offer a new approach to gaming. The possibilities are limitless - one screen can be used to show the main action, while another might be used as a map, inventory, or secondary viewpoint - or both screens can be used simultaneously to depict huge boss characters!