Die Farbe ist hell-strohgelb mit grünlichen Reflexen. In der Nase duftet er angenehm nach Apfel, Zitrus und feine florale Aromen. Im Geschmack ist er einladend zart und fruchtig. Passt zu: Fisch-Vorspeisen und Fisch.
2021 Well-designed C107 Disposable Vape Pen, 1.0ml tank capacity. 100pcs pack in one box. Five colors available, leave note if you need specific colors. We have been engaged in e cig vape cartridges, disposable vape pens and e cig accessories for over eight years. With our skillful workers, devoted QC team, dedicated research team and excellent engineers, we have become one of the respected and trusted manufacturers in electronic cigarette industry. We also provide OEM print and OEM box services!
Hellvape Dead Rabbit RTA is a tank atomizer designed by Vapin' Heathen, who is a vape enthusiast, vape reviewer and designer of Dead Rabbit RDAs. This RTA will be the king of dual coil RTAs, bringing you unprecedented vaping experience. With the unique "Rabbit Ear" design, it has ample build space and generous post holes for easy building dual coil or single coil. Slide in top coil deck takes the guesswork out of pre-cutting your coil leads. The RTA also comes with adjustable top side diagonal airflow which keeps the excellent flavor and minimizes leaking. This RTA can hold 2ml e-liquid and also can be extended to 4.5ml via extra glass tube. Featuring top airflow and excellent wicking, it has no any dry hits or leaking problems, and the colorful resin 810 drip tip and the Dead Rabbit's logo make this RTA more attractive. Stainless steel construction Unique "Rabbit Ear" design Single or dual coil configurations Ample build space and generous post holes Knurled grip to remove top cap ad refill with ease 2ml or 4.5ml juice capacity with optional bubble tank Slotted or hex head post screw options Protruding 510 pin and peek insulation 510 threading connection 25mm overall diameter Brand: Hellvape Tank Capacity 2/4.5ML Coil Type Single/Dual Coil Size 37.2 x 25mm
KaikenObertura dtOuvertüre istderAuftaktzueinemunerhörtsinnlichenWeinerlebnisCabernetFranc,sortenrein,konzentriert,intensivundlanglebig,inspiriertvonargentinischerLeidenschaftundderLustaufneueEntdeckungen
Melange d epices Colombo Composition: Coriandre (France principalement ou Hongrie, Turquie, Italie, Rep. Tcheque, Lituanie, Syrie), Curcuma (Madagascar), Carvi (Autriche), Fenouil (Egypte, Turquie), Laurier (France, Turquie). Marque: Cook Certifie AB
Produkt-Eigenschaften: Diese Spulen sind perfekt f¨¹r fortgeschrittene vapers, die nicht die Zeit haben, zu bauen, oder jeden vapers suchen, um die Qualit?t vaping Erfahrung zu erleben, die von den fortgeschritteneren Spulen kommen. Produktspezifikationen: Name: Widerstandsdraht Spule AWG 28GA * 3 + 38GA Kabell?nge 10 Fu? Dr?hte Menge 3 Packungsinhalt: 1 x 10 Feet Draht 1 x T-f?rmigen Phillips-Schraubendreher 1 x Coil Jig