These sleek and modern batteries by Silo are the smallest batteries weve seen; they fit perfectly in the palm of your hand! Each 500mAh Lithium-ion Battery is draw activated; meaning theres no button pressing. Simply pop in your favorite flavor or blend and puff away! This particular vape battery comes with a charging micro USB cable. Choose from five lovely metallic matte colors: black, grey, blue, gold or pink! Included in the Box: Ccell Silo 500mAh Lithium-ion Battery 2 Magnetic Adapters USB Charging Cable Warranty Card ***Please note that some cartridges may not be compatible with this battery due to different resistance levels. We recommend using a CCell cartridge .
These smoking rings from RAW are a must-have accessory for the people who love and live the RAW lifestyle! These high-quality rings come in your choice of a gold or black finish, as well as a flat top featuring the red RAW logo. From the sides, there is even a space for your smoke so the ring can act as a tip, so you can enjoy it with style! These rings are durable and a great addition to any collection for the RAW enthusiast!
These smoking rings from RAW are a must-have accessory for the people who love and live the RAW lifestyle! These high-quality rings come in your choice of a gold or black finish, as well as a flat top featuring the red RAW logo. From the sides, there is even a space for your smoke so the ring can act as a tip, so you can enjoy it with style! These rings are durable and a great addition to any collection for the RAW enthusiast!
If youre looking for a way to make your smokes more flavorful and enjoyable, look no further! These wonderful rolling papers are jam-packed with the crisp and sweet flavor of green apples, making them perfect for a refreshing smoke for anyone. Enjoy them in either 1 1/4 or king size packs!
The Juicy Jays Jamaican Rum rolling papers taste great and and go well with just about anything. Chilling by the pool or relaxing at home, these papers will make you feel like your on the beach with a drink in one hand and a smoke in another.
Qualität & Strapazierfähigkeit Alle Rucksäcke und Taschenartikel von herlitz unterliegen bezüglich der eingesetzten Materialien und deren Verarbeitung den höchsten Qualitätsanforderungen. Jeder einzelne Rucksack durchläuft verschiedene Belastungstests gemäß DIN 58124 und ist rt frei von Azofarbstoffen, Cadium, PCP, Weichmachern und allergieauslösenden Farbmitteln. Verstärkte Böden sorgen für gute Stabilität. Kunststofffüße bieten zusätzlich Schutz gegen Nässe. Sicherheit Bei allen be.bag Schulrucksäcken werden retro-reflektierende Reflexmaterialien verwendet. Für maximale Sicherheit befinden sich die Leuchtstreifen nicht nur auf Vorder- und Seitenflächen, sondern auch auf den Schultergurten. Ergonomie Das atmungsaktive und ergonomisch geformte Rückenpolster sorgt für ausgezeichneten Tragekomfort. Der integrierte, verstellbare Brustgurt beim be.bag BEAT sowie be.bag CUBE sowie der abnehmbare Hüftgurt beim be.bag BEAT unterstützen zusätzlich und sorgen für eine optimierte Lastenverteilung.