Le spray Spectral a ete concu pour revitaliser et prendre soin des cheveux fins et clairsemes. Sa formule unique cible directement le follicule pileux pour redonner epaisseur et sante a vos cheveux et ainsi prevenir leur chute. Garanti sans effet secondaire.
L apres shampoing Aloes et Verveine donne a vos cheveux de la brillance et du volume tout en les demelant, mais sans les alourdir. Avec de l Aloe Vera, de l huile d Amande et de l huile de Jojoba, issus de cultures biologiques. Recommande pour chaque type de cheveux et pour un usage quotidien. Marque : Logona Composition: eau (filtree par osmose inverse), alcool, jus d aloes, emulsifiant, alcool gras, glycerine vegetale, polysaccharides, stearate de sorbitane, huile de graines de brocoli, substance de soin, betaine, huile d olive, beurre de mangue, huile de jojoba, huile d amande, extrait de feuilles de bouleau, sulfate cetearylique de sodium, ester de sucre, melange d huiles essentielles, extrait de verveine, derive d acide amine cationique, acide hyaluronique, lactate de sodium, bases lavantes (acides amines), acide lactique, vitamine E, composants d huiles essentielles.
The Professional 9% spray tan solution with Skin Firming Technology is specially formulated with our Prolong & Protect Tanning Agent to optimise results. This vegan friendly tanning solution will deliver a long lasting, natural tan for that year round glow. Mineral Oil free. 50% Recycled Bottle. Tan Truth is the true professional and self tanning system that provides the ultimate tan, every time. Both ranges are 100% vegan and cruelty free with superfood enriched ingredients, skin firming technology and protective tanning agents. Tan Truth optimises your tanning experience to leave skin feeling moisturised and nourished whilst giving a long-lasting glow from start to finish.
Kopfhautmassagegerät Haarshampoo Bürste Weiches Silikon Kopfmassagegerät Kamm
Features: Safely removes hair anywhere, including face, arms, legs and bikini area. Sense-light,work when touch the skin, auto off when leave the skin. No more painful or smelly hair removal methods. Rechargeable lithium battery, charged by USB making it perfect for travel. Compact, small size, easy to carry and storage. How to Use: Move power switch to ON position. Power LED Flashes when ON. Front LED will flash at 0.5 seconds to let you know product is ready. When the Sensa-Light head comes in contact with your skin, the unit will activate and remove hair as long as the head is against your skin. The unit will go to sleep, automatically deactivate, 6 seconds after you remove the Sensa-Light head from your skin. The unit will reactivate when reapplied to skin. Upon completing the hair removal, simply move the power switch to OFF to shut down the unit.