6 Zauberfolien "Blütenpracht" in 3 verschiedenen Designs, jede Folien-Hülle ca. 7,6 cm hoch, extrastark, passend für Eier mit den Maßen 9,5 cm x 6,5 cm.
we're chinese craftwork production wholesale supplier,our service is first-class,our item quality is very nice. it's the gift which brings you a fine wish
please read carefully before buying. this item not including the inside or outside frame because of the expensive shipping cost, it is just a print canvas. do not accept this reason to return goods.you can choose 5 of all products to order. thank you very much for your understanding.
features excellent water repellent effect. Water droplets instantly flow away thanks to the water repellent and self cleaning performance after the coating.
2. It also features excellent dirt removal effect, so that it effectively prevents the dust and keeps the car paint clean after the coating.
3. It is very smooth. Car paint surface is not easy to attach dust after you coat, so that the car paint surface as bright as new.
4.Coating effect maintaining time: about 3 months
5.Ingredients: Polysilicon, Fluorosilane, Fluorine Polymer
Perl-Modelliermasse aus Kunststoff mit kleinen Kügelchen zum Kneten, 100 g, weiß mit irisierendem Glitzer. Ideal zum Gestalten verschiedenster Oberflächen und Formen. Den Perl-Modellierschaum vor Gebrauch gut durchkneten. Der Schaum härtet an der Luft aus. Die Trocknungszeit variiert je nach Größe bzw. Dicke zwischen 1 bis 3 Tagen. Der nicht verwendete Schaum muss stets luftdicht verschlossen a...