Amsterdam Dinner Cruise

Amsterdam Dinner Cruise

$ 51,17 $ 71,07
Produktcode: 2295_8357_1867
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Winter Menu *Menu can vary depending on availability Starter
Broccoli tabbouleh with apricots, mint and honey dressing and kimchi (Korean dish of fermented vegetables) made from red cabbage
Appetizer Cappuccino of red pepper
Main course
Veal escalope served with a cream of swede, a kletskop biscuit made from sauerkraut and aged cheese and an oyster mushroom tapenade or Salmon en papillote prepared with lemon and dill, served with a cream of swede and a kletskop biscuit made from sauerkraut and aged cheese or Lasagne with grilled mushrooms, including shiitake, oyster mushroom and champignon, with aubergine and courgette accompanied by a pesto of ricotta, celery and North Holland cheese
Pear crumble with light vanilla curd and cranberry coulis, chocolate mousse and a traditional Dutch bitterkoekje cookie Coffee, tea or fresh mint tea served with a typical Dutch cookie 
  Summer Menu *Menu can vary depending on availability Starter
Amsterdam potato salad with roasted Dutch vegetables and Amsterdam pickles
Appetizer Cappuccino of red pepper
Main course Veal escalope served with a potato and bok choy mousseline, a ’kletskop’ biscuit made of carrot and aged cheese and crispy chickpeas or Salmon ’en papillote’ prepared with lemon and dill, served with a potato and bok choy mousseline and crispy chickpeaa or Lasagna with roasted sweet peppers, aubergines, courgettes and mushrooms with a pesto made of ricotta, celery and Dutch cheese from the province of North-Holland served with lamb’s lettuce and a cheese crisp
Light and airy vanilla curds served with a summer rhubarb compote, chocolate mousse and macaroons Coffee, tea or fresh mint tea served with a typical Dutch biscuit